Types of Astrology: Learn More About Astrology Here!

types of astrology

Astrology is one of many ways people try to tell their future and guide their decisions. Complications only rise when there are different types of astrology. Naturally, this scares a lot of people into staying away from trying to understand astrology.

That’s why we’ve written this handy guide: to help you understand the types of astrology! Whether it’s you reading up on your natal chart or following ancient Hindu astrology, we’ve got you covered. Below are the many ways to interpret astrological charts and an explanation of each of the types of astrology.

All types of astrology typically require your birth chart, so it’s important that you learn the exact details of your birth. “Those who don’t know their past doom themselves to never know their future,” as it is often said. Ensure you know the time and date of your birth so you can know which stars or planets aligned for you!

Read on here to learn more about the different types of astrology!

Different Types of Astrology 

What are the different types of astrology? There are about seven types of astrology and all of them have different methodologies. You’ll connect easier with the cosmos and your true Self if you can pick one that you’re passionate about.

Below is a list of different types of astrology and their methodologies. From love astrology to Uranian astrology, there are plenty of options for you to choose from. Any one you choose is a path to understanding the cosmos better.

When you understand the cosmos better, the future aligns more easily for you! Love astrology specifically relates your love life and relationships to your birth. Vedic astrology uses constellations to project predictions about your career and relationships.

No matter which you plan to use, you will definitely feel much more certain with the results. Planetary energy is important and knowing how it affects you can make the difference in certain decisions. Of all the different types of astrology, you can definitely choose the best one that works for you.

Over eighty branches of astrology exist; however, we’ll be tackling only seven of these types in the list below. Knowing which planets or stars you were born under will help you greatly. Such knowledge will help you decide which of these different types will be good for you!

Love Astrology

Typically, there are different charts used in relationship astrology. There are synastry and composite charts used for different purposes. Of course, the chart you’re using matters. These charts are two different methods for reading relationships.


Synastry charts connect your planetary charts with those of a significant other or friend. Colleagues and family members are also on the table for synastry chart connections. This is a more personal form of love astrology because it is specifically for the person and yourself.

Composite charts combine your two planetary charts to make one from two. Remember that composite charts only account for ascendants and the planets between you two. It doesn’t account for any other astrological houses. Composite charts help you determine how you two specifically connect, not how you both connect to other people. 

Many misunderstand love astrology as only good for finding out what’s happening in your love lives or in someone else’s. Astrology is really all about projection, not a set-in-stone future. Projection is about what kind of energy we give off to others and what we pull into our own lives.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology has its origins in the Vedas, a collection of religious Sanskrit texts in India. Otherwise known as Hindu astrology, Vedic astrology is thousands of years old. Today, modern Hindus use it to project marital or business success. Everyday life is also part of the projections.

While often likened to Western astrology, the twelve signs this type uses are different from those used in the Zodiac. Western astrology typically follows the seasons of the world. Vedic astrology follows the Jyotisa system, which runs on constellations.

Each sign still corresponds to certain ranges of time, like with Western astrology. However, Jyotisa has different names for them under different constellations. Cancer corresponds to Karkata, for example. Aries to Mesha, Vrishaba to Taurus and so on.

It is also useful for determining your dharma. Dharma is a Hindu concept of your “cosmic duty,” your purpose on the Earth. Pious Hindi disciples spend lifetimes mastering Vedic astrology and other rituals. Jyotisa helps them determine their dharma.

Natal Astrology

Natal Astrology
Tsuzuki26, CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, via Wikimedia Commons

The almighty birth chart is the basis of the natal astrologist. Time and date of birth on the chart are exact as that data is critical to accurate projections. Location of birth is also necessary so as to know which planets or stars determine your destiny.

This form is excellent for introspective practice in astrology. Natal astrology can more deeply explain your personal hopes and fears, even those felt deep within yourself. Your birth carries over hopes and fears from past lives which manifest in you today.

A competent natal astrologist can write up a chart with all the necessary details you provide them. Progressions make up the evolved birth chart so they can also determine where you are going from there. Through this, the astrologist gives competent counsel on which tasks to do or what to implement moving forward in life.

Medical Astrology

Possibly the most complex form of astrology, you cast charts here from the time you enter the “sick bed.” Charts also tell you if you need more rest to recover better or faster. In the event you can’t personally cast your chart, note the time and date you started feeling ill.

That way, a medical astrologist can look at a chart to understand the prognosis. From there, he or she can tell you how and when you get better. Why you get better is also information that they may know.

Medical astrologists use the planets and signs you were born under to learn information on your maladies. House placements are also necessary for them to get that information. Such information on your charts can also tell of sensitivities or organs prone to illness.

Of course, you should know that a medical astrologist is no replacement for an actual doctor. It doesn’t hurt to have a medical astrologist to counsel you; however, they cannot prescribe you medicines. Make sure that you start with licensed medical professionals first.

Horary Astrology

Sometimes, regular astrology charts don’t contain all the answers you need for your struggles. More specific measures are necessary, so this is where horary astrology comes in. This ancient form of astrology is when the astrologer projects a chart and answers a very specific question.

Horary astrology works on a few rules, surely. The horary astrologer can only give answers that dictate the outcome for three months at a time. You also cannot ask the same question within those three months or your answers will get all wonky.

Don’t ask “yes or no” questions either; the astrologer will help you see the right path. The astrologer also casts charts based on his location and the time defined when you ask the question. Finally, the moon is important in answering your question as it is a natural giver and receiver of information.

Electional Astrology

Electional Astrology

Electional astrology is best for those looking for the right time to do something exciting with themselves. A new job or a date, maybe? New projects and commitments? This type is perfect for you!

The moon helps the electional astrologer gauge good insights. However, the important thing is what the ascendant is doing during the time you want to start something. You want the moon to be in the first house; that way, a positive outcome is likely. The ideal outcome is the time the ascendant gives off a positive vibe in accordance with the moon.

Uranian Astrology

Middle degrees between two planets constitute midpoints. These midpoints are the important thing in Uranian astrology. They help find planetary triggers necessary for action in life. Find them with a midpoint calculator or do the math yourself.

Use these to erect a midpoint tree. Look at the points in the tree to see if they are activated by any transits. This is a good type to use with relationship astrology; it gives specific details on your connection with others.

Beware certain midpoints though! If your midpoint between Saturn and Pluto aligns with someone’s sun, the relationship becomes obsessive. Others are good, at least. A Venus and Jupiter midpoint aligned with their sun means a strong feeling of possibility between you two.

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