Horary Astrology: What is it, and how you can do it

Horary astrology is one of the more complicated parts of Astrology. Let’s face it, involving numbers in the art is hard enough, and using the concept of time to determine cosmic movements makes everything war harder than it should be!

But for real, though, using clocks to determine what the heavens are trying to tell us is quite helpful. With a little bit of study, strategy, and of course, determination, you can utilize this old technique to get the life boost that you need!

Ready to immerse yourself in this ancient art? Let’s dive in!

What is Horary Astrology?

Just as its name suggests, horary astrology uses time. But unlike natal charts that utilize birth information, this tradition focuses on the time and location where a horary reading is happening.

Horary Astrology

Horary readings are question-centered. However, unlike tarot questions that prefer open-ended inquiries, horary questions are usually answerable with yes or no. But, as with any other astrological questions, they have to be done one at a time to ensure that the answer will be as accurate as possible.

Now, you may be quite confused about all these factors. Why divert from the usual practices that most people engage with when using mainstream astrology? The answer lies in its roots.

An astrologer named William Lilly developed what would become “horary” astrology in 17th century England. As history shows, that era was a time of drastic change in all parts of society, astrology included. 

Some astrologers suggest that Lilly refined this astrological method considering that records are not accurate during that time, leaving many people confused about their time and birth date. Using the present moment as the gauge emphasizes this astrological format’s purpose and focus.

Nowadays, the principle of present focus is still alive and well in this tradition. During readings, the astrologer would read a chart detailing celestial bodies’ present placings right after being asked.

They would then give their interpretations relative to the measurements they have just taken. After this, the astrologer can now guide the questioner on the former’s decision on the things they asked.

How Can I Do Horary Astrology?

The first step in doing a horary reading is asking the right question. As said, this can be a simple yes/no question, although some people prefer inquiries that would render them a concrete answer.

For example, you asked a question that went: “Will I get a promotion?” At that moment, the astrologer would pull up their charts and start calculating and giving their interpretations.

We won’t be touching on the mathematical side of things, but here is the breakdown of how to read your horary chart:

The astrologer would look at the planet rising (AKA ascendant) during that exact moment. The rule of thumb is that if the ascendant’s angle relative to the earth is between 3° and 27°, it indicates that the question is answerable. Any less than 3° and more than 27°, and it means that the inquiry came in too early or too late.

Then, the next thing that the astrologer would look into is the Via Combusta. If the moon’s location is between 15° Libra to 15° Scorpio; when the moon is hanging out around this area, it can indicate a hostile force trying to influence the question’s outcome.

If the moon isn’t at the Via Combusta, it is time to check if it’s Void of Course. To put it simply, this means that the moon is about to leave their current sign, yet are unable to perform any “major” activities while still in said Zodiac.

Lastly (for the moon at least), when the celestial body is about to leave a sign, especially Gemini, Scorpio, and Capricorn, interpreting a chart is ill-advised since it may render inaccurate results. These considerations only show how the moon is essential in this astrological method!

Planets in Horary Astrology

After determining the moon’s location, it is time for the astrologer to determine if they or the person they are reading for are ready and capable for whatever results will come out. They do that by looking at Saturn’s location.

Now, horary astrology also uses astrological houses. This way, an astrologer can determine how a house may influence the session’s outcomes. The influence, though, lies in the clarity of mind of both the questioner and astrologer.

When Saturn is chilling at the Seventh House, it may affect a reader’s judgment, while if the former is at the First House, the questioner’s reception of the entire reading may not be good. After satisfying all the prerequisites, it is now time for the astrologer to give their interpretations.

As always, an astrological interpretation is at the hands of the astrologer. In this astrological method, the ruling planet during a particular reading is based on the ascendant and whatever celestial bodies are lurking in the First House.

The following are the interpretations for each ruling planet:

Sun– This celestial body focuses on the self. Because of this, interpretations are all about leadership, authority, and one’s ego.

Moon– Readings with a strong affinity to this celestial body focuses on feminine energy. Incredibly, it also says a lot about lost objects and short trips.

Mercury– This celestial body speaks a lot about communications, long haul travels, and business. Young professionals and students are also their focus.

Venus– Tied to this planet are love, beauty, and pleasure. Marriage and motherhood are also under its rulership.

Mars– This celestial body pushes for assertiveness and high energy. Unfortunately, it also heralds unpleasant accidents and conflicts.

Jupiter– Wealth, opportunity, and gambling falls under the jurisdiction of this planet. Prophecies about the future, foreign intrusion, and education are also subject to its scrutiny.

Saturn– This celestial body embodies responsibilities, emotional burdens, and aging. The loss of paternal figures, obstacles, and financial problems are also rife under its rule.

These seven planets are the only ones traditionally employed since Lilly drew up this concept of astrology. Although some astrologers decided to adopt Uranus and Pluto, many still choose to follow the old way since it works fine and lines up with the charts and calculations made all those years ago.

Is Horary Astrology Accurate?

As an astrological tradition, horary astrology will only speak what the cosmos have in mind for your situation. However, at the end of the day, it is only you who can decide on the actions that you will undertake.

This astrological format can only tell you what is happening to your present, and gradually guide you in whatever future decision you will make. Should you choose to take a path different from the one that was given during your reading, then that’s on you.

Mortal actions have the same gravity as the things presented by astrology. Choose your future wisely!

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