Ranking The Best Match for Taurus Woman (All Signs)

best match for taurus woman

Finding the best match for Taurus woman may be one of the hardest assignments even for seasoned matchmakers. This is a hopeless romantic who loves walking around the house in her pj’s. She loves going on luxury lunch or dinner dates but mainly because of the good food. So if you’re an amazing cook who can easily whip up a delectable dish on your anniversary, you’re good to go!

You’re one of the best love match for Taurus woman if you’re also a home buddy who enjoys binge-watching Netflix while nibbling on a gigantic bowl of popcorn. Now don’t mistake her for being a couch potato whose priorities are neither here nor there. On the flip side, she can be a jaw-dropping, elegant, and sophisticated businesswoman who leaves nothing to chance. 

In this post, you will realize this lady is as chill as can be, letting you go out and hang with your friends as often as you want. But she could also turn into a beast with a jealous streak once she gets the slightest inkling something is amiss. We’ll also shed light on the following: 

  • Will the earth, fire, water, or air sign be the most compatible with Taurus woman?
  • Is the Taurus woman love compatibility fixed or evolved?
  • What sign is the best match for a Taurus woman who will strike the perfect balance?
  • How will the perfect match for Taurus woman adjust to prevent personality clashes?
  • Is the Taurus woman most compatible sign automatically the best sign?

So let’s get right to it and find out which zodiac is the best love match for Taurus woman!

Best Zodiac Match for Taurus Woman (All Signs)

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

At first glance, you might think Aries is the best love match for Taurus woman. He is quick-witted and business-minded like her, inspiring her with his ambitions and strike-while-the-iron-is-hot attitude. Consequently, Aries loves Taurus’ vision and long-term goals for her life. She impresses him with her daily grind and utmost professionalism. 

Outside the workplace, however, they have little to nothing in common. Taurus woman may eventually get worn out by Aries’ excessive desire to never stay put even on weekends. Aries hates following routines which is the exact opposite of Taurus since this is what keeps her grounded and organized. So if they don’t find a common ground, it’s pretty much doomed from the start. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 4/10

Trust and Communication- 3/10

Personal Values- 7/10

Taurus (April 21- May 20)


Next attempt for the best match for Taurus woman- Taurus man! This can be a disturbing combination. It’s either they jive perfectly or clash painfully which might leave their heads spinning! Both tend to be faithful and possessive but they lack the spark to kickstart a relationship. 

Since they are so alike, it’s so easy to fall into a mindless routine. This can easily lead to petty arguments which is okay at first. But when they eventually pile up either one may explode, finally letting out all the hurt and resentment they’ve been keeping all along. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 7/10

Trust and Communication- 6/10

Personal Values- 6/10

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Another futile attempt for the best match for Taurus woman- Gemini man. We’re not saying it’s impossible, just highly unlikely due to their opposite polarities. They want different things in life and their approach to things and various situations couldn’t be more dissonant from their partner. 

Gemini sees Taurus’ love for luxury and much-needed breaks as laziness and complacency. While Taurus is unimpressed with Gemini’s nonstop garrulous nature which only comes off as lip service. On rare occasions that they get along, Gemini would sweep Taurus off her feet to get on exciting adventures. While Taurus could show Gemini the value of self-care, and the importance of relaxing, and unwinding, so one can come out refreshed and rejuvenated. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 4/10

Trust and Communication- 8/10

Personal Values- 4/10

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Now we’re talking. If you’re looking for the best match for Taurus woman, say no more for Cancer has everything Taurus is searching for! 

taurus woman and cancer man

This water sign has a penchant for being a chill home buddy just like Taurus. They enjoy doing things privately, but this doesn’t mean they have any qualms about flaunting each other in public. Both signs know each other so well that they finish each other’s sentences. One can read the other’s mind and know instinctively what they want before they even utter a word. 

Their match made in heaven is full of steamy and satisfying sex, cuddles, and late-night talks. Not to say that they are walking on clouds 24/7. No one works their butt off harder than these two, precisely because they want to maintain the luxurious life that they share. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 10/10

Trust and Communication- 10/10

Personal Values- 9/10

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Another explosive combination that may not be the best match for Taurus woman is Leo. Don’t get the wrong idea, Leos can be fiercely protective, loyal, loving, and affectionate. The trouble lies with their superior and aggressive tendencies which may not sit well with Taurus. 

Leos love projecting a certain persona because they care so much about their image, and their reputation with the outside world. Taurus couldn’t care less what other people think, as long as they are not stepping on anybody’s toes. She doesn’t have any problem conforming to this desire every once in a while, but it’s simply not her true nature. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 4/10

Trust and Communication- 4/10

Personal Values- 3/10

Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Here’s another example of an amazing business partner and friend but not necessarily the best match for Taurus woman. It’s highly unlikely that they will fancy each other romantically, but they are crazy over their mutual desires for progress and personal ambitions. 

still acts like the boss

Virgo is an extremely functional and highly organized individual, attributes that best serve company CEOs and managers. Conflict starts when he cannot take off “the suit” once he gets home. He may not realize this, but Taurus is super annoyed when he still acts like the boss in his office even when he’s already at home in his pajamas. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 2/10

Trust and Communication- 8/10

Personal Values- 7/10

Libra (September 23- October 22)

All it takes is a glance, a touch, for a Libra man to make a Taurus woman fall head over heels in love with him. Libra is the perfect gentleman with captivating looks and charm that make ladies swoon. However, commitment is not one of his strong suits. 

When the Taurus woman is finally convinced this is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with, trouble starts brewing. He simply wouldn’t “put a ring on it”. Not because he does not love her, he just doesn’t enjoy the idea of being tied down for good. He enjoys the company of women, talking and laughing flirtatiously every chance he gets. It doesn’t mean anything to him, but this drives Taurus woman nuts!

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 8/10

Trust and Communication- 2/10

Personal Values- 3/10

Scorpio (October 23- November 22)

This is a good example of “opposite attracts”. Taurus will enjoy Scorpio’s love for romance and insatiable need for sex. Both are in tune with the other person’s emotions and enjoy doing the same things. Scorpio has no problem being in isolation for months, simply enjoying each other’s company if that is what makes Taurus happy. 

Eventually, however, their jealous and possessive nature can lead them to fits of rage and arguments that can drag on for days. If they are not careful, a once blissful romance can quickly turn into an unhealthy, even toxic rabbit hole. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 10/10

Trust and Communication- 6/10

Personal Values- 5/10

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21)


Taurus woman is mild-mannered, jealous, and can be anti-social by nature. Combined with a hyperactive, gypsy who loves going on weird adventures and making friends with lots of people, it can be hard to imagine them walking down the aisle anytime soon. 

No matter how much he loves his Taurus woman, he will always choose his freedom if she forces him to. Nothing irks him more than a jealous control freak who has issues with the things he does, the places he goes to, or the people he mingles with. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 2/10

Trust and Communication- 2/10

Personal Values- 1/10

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

The Taurus woman with a Capricorn man may just be one of the best examples of compromise. True, it might not enjoy the same high frequency of love and romance with a water sign, but there’s something solid and grounded in this type of relationship that could make it work. 

Both signs enjoy doing the same things although in different ways. They value their professional and personal lives in equal measure. The Capricorn man puts in extra effort to make his long-term relationships work. No wonder their partners never feel insecure. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 7/10

Trust and Communication- 10/10

Personal Values- 10/10

Aquarius (January 20- February 19)

Taurus woman and Aquarius man have the same intellectual capacity. And having the same wavelength means endless interesting discussions on virtually any subject they can think of. They never run out of things to talk about, explore, or debate on. Both have similar tastes in art, music, books, and films. 

But despite Aquarius’ fondness towards Taurus woman, he simply cannot imagine himself being caught up in a domestic setting. Taurus deeply appreciates his kindness and enjoys his offbeat humor. But deep down she knows she wants something more. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 1/10

Trust and Communication- 2/10

Personal Values- 3/10

Pisces (February 20- March 20)

pisces man and taurus woman

Last but not least on our list is the Pisces man, and Taurus woman duo. This is another great love combo when whimsical Pisces sets eyes on Taurus. He will keep her in awe with his creativity and ingenious nature. While she will impress him with her ability to deal with life’s challenges and responsibilities. 

They will click the moment they set eyes on each other, and romance will be on the fast track. And once they discover how compatible they are even in bed, that seals the deal. 

For their compatibility scores: 

Feelings and Romance – 10/10

Trust and Communication- 10/10

Personal Values- 9/10

Final Takeaway

Needless to say, this list is merely a guide, not a guarantee of the future outcome of the Taurus woman’s romantic endeavors. However, it’s good to know and understand each sign’s unique characteristics, values, and personality traits so you can make informed decisions. In the end, love is a choice.  A commitment that needs to be made by both parties. It will never work if only one of you is trying since this is a two-way street. Love can be hard, stressful, and painful even. But in the end, it’s always worth it. 

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