Once bitten, twice shy! This may be the reason why you no longer want to pursue your opposite zodiac signs. But don’t let fear and uncertainty get in the way. Just because it didn’t work out the first time, doesn’t mean you no longer have a happy ending!
There can be a happy ending. Especially if you’re willing to put in the needed work and make your heart a safe haven for your partner. So don’t you cancel a date just because your birth charts are totally off! There is a workaround- for everything!
Understanding the Opposite Zodiac Signs Meaning
First step: Solve this complicated puzzle by understanding the opposite zodiac signs meaning. You see two people that are each other’s opposite but work perfectly together. How come? It’s difficult to comprehend how they work, they just do. Aries easily flares up, and cool-headed Libra strikes the perfect balance. Taurus, being rocksteady, makes Scorpio feel totally at home.
Astrology cannot give the perfect answer to why opposite zodiac signs work. However, it gives clues along the way. The first is by looking at the signs’ modality whether it’s cardinal, fixed, or mutable. Doing this lets you know the season they fall into. From there you get an idea of their vibe and the real opposite zodiac signs meaning.
Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Libra Cancer, and Aries) take the lead. Mutable signs (Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini) are super adaptable. And fixed signs (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio) stabilize the zodiac. The sign’s element also has significance. Fire signs are passionate, water signs are highly sensitive. Earth signs are steadfast and hardworking. While air signs are the famous intellectuals.
Opposite Zodiac Signs Modalities
Opposite zodiac signs have their own modality together. Even if they have various elements, they can still go with the same flow. When air and fire collide, a bigger and brighter flame is there. Earth and water are essential to support life and growth.
It’s important to remember that the perfect balance must be set, though. Too much of everything can kill you. So even if you burn intensely at the beginning, doesn’t mean your light will never fade. And this doesn’t apply to romantic relationships alone. The same thing applies in your workplace, your friendships, and your family ties.
Find Your Best Match In These Opposite Zodiac Signs
Opposite zodiac signs have their own modality together. Even if they have various elements, they can still go with the same flow. When air and fire collide, a bigger and brighter flame comes to life. Earth and water are essential to support life and growth.
It’s important to remember that the perfect balance must be set, though. Too much of everything can kill you. So even if you burn intensely at the beginning, it doesn’t mean your light will never fade. And this doesn’t apply to romantic relationships alone. The same thing can apply in your workplace, your friendships, and your family ties.
Aries and Libra

Known as one of the most subversive among the fire signs, Aries often acts quickly before even thinking about it. They are not afraid to dive in despite the risks they are taking. Libra on the other hand likes thinking things through. They refuse to push forward unless they’re one hundred percent sure things are going to work out. When these two signs meet, the attraction is fatal.
There’s a line to cross between independence and co-dependence. Even if Libra loves being codependent, they love to have a perfect balance. Some things they love doing on their own. ‘Me time’ is always on the bucket list.
For these two signs to work out, they need to come to an agreement. Each one must know how the other wants to be loved, respected, and given their own space from time to time. Aries needs to understand Libra’s need for adoration, while Libra has to step up to fulfill Aries’ deepest desires.
Taurus and Scorpio
This is an immensely sexual bond. Sensuality and passion are crucial for both, thus they can’t keep their hands off one another. These fixed energy signs only add more fuel to the fire!
Taurus loves intense physical pleasure. Anything that excites the senses such as delectable food, silk sheets, and prolonged sexual intercourse. For Scorpio, sex is more of an emotional and mental experience. Although both enjoy their intimacy deeply, it’s not their nature to voice out how they feel.
Trouble may arise when Scorpio becomes shady behind the scenes. Both parties find it hard to compromise. For this to work, Taurus has to figure out how to read the signs, without Scorpio having to say anything. Scorpio on the other hand should learn to appreciate Taurus’s love for beautiful things, as well as emotional affirmation.
Gemini and Sagittarius
Gemini and Sagittarius love to explore. Gemini’s exploration covers sexual, intellectual, and social aspects. While Sagittarius craves adventure and has always been a wandering foot. Their biggest obstacle: commitment.
For Gemini and Sagittarius to lead long and happy lives, both must respect their individual space. They value their freedom so much and despise stagnation more than anything. Both signs must also find mutual interests when they’re together. Conversations are always enjoyable because they’re always spontaneous and interesting. Sagittarius always looks at things as a while, while Gemini never misses out on the tiniest details.
This partnership is a two-edged sword. Sagittarius may find all the nitty-gritty details to be too taxing and tedious. Gemini on the other hand may feel neglected if their partner appears not to care at all. This means dealing with their schedules, managing their social events, or what chores are for whom this week. But if they take the time and effort to know and understand how the other one feels, compromise is always the better alternative.
Cancer and Capricorn

Nobody screams ‘power couple’ louder than these two. On the outside, they really look like halves of a magnificent whole. Cancer longs for a happy and healthy life for their family, which includes financial stability. Capricorn on the other hand is always out reaching for a goal. One bigger and better than the next. Both signs always reach their goals through perseverance and hard work.
Equality is a serious issue here. The division of labor from both sides may never become equal. Cancer could feel all the chores and household responsibility fall on their shoulders. Because Capricorn may be too busy at work and this form of neglect is clearly justified.
Do not take things for granted because this can lead to resentment on Cancer’s part. Capricorn must not be too engrossed in his own world; he forgets Cancer has their own life to lead as well. The team makes the dream work, lest either party forgets.
Leo and Aquarius
If you are longing for something solid and steady, this partnership is the one to beat. Both Leo and Aquarius are fixed signs. Which makes this bond extremely hard to break. Leo’s flame is always shining bright. Strong and passionate, there’s never a dull moment with them. Aquarius on the other hand is intellectually inclined. So boring conversations are not something to worry about.
Leo and Aquarius love being part of a community. They value all the friendships they have formed through the years. But Leo has a deep need for consistent attention and adoration, while Aquarius loves to thrive in their creative nature.
Both signs have strong, independent personalities. They also value their freedom and this cannot be compromised. For their relationship to work, however, their egos need to be nipped in the bud. Aquarius values love and friendship more than sex, while Leo needs to know they are seen and understood.
Virgo and Pisces
Pisces and Virgo’s views cannot be more different from each other. Pisces are brilliant intellectuals, which is very attractive to Virgo. Since Virgo also has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Their meetings of the minds are almost sexual in nature. Once they meet and start a conversation, this could go on till the wee hours of the morning. They never run out of things to talk about.
Virgo can help Pisces stay grounded, while Pisces can keep Virgo from overthinking. They keep each other’s creative juices flowing. However, Pisces has difficulty turning dreams into reality. Virgo can help because they’re great at making detailed plans. They know exactly what practical solutions to offer to every problem.
For this love team to work, Virgo must never run out of patience with Pisces. Pisces on the other hand must respect Virgo’s attention to detail. Once you learn the dynamics of this relationship, you’re good to go.