Let’s face it: we love a fierce, strong female! Girls that are large and in charge captivate everyone around them. Well, did you know that a woman’s ferocity might have something to do with her zodiac sign? Leo is a fire sign (so you know they’re aggressive) that is famous for its high energy and strong leadership. So we can expect the same from a Leo gal – and today in fact, we’re going over all the Leo female traits!
Whether you’re pining for a female Leo or a Leo woman yourself trying to figure yourself out, we’ve got you covered. We’re going over more than just the basics of the sign, and more than just what to expect from women of this sign. Personality, how to win them over, make them fall in love with you, it’s all here! We promise that there’s something in it for you even if you’re neither a Leo nor interested in one yourself! Let’s explore the traits of Leo women below and explore what really makes the female Leo tick.
So, are you hoping to win over the heart of a Leo woman? Maybe you’re a zodiac aficionado, looking to brush up on your knowledge. Perhaps you’re just curious, and we snagged your attention. Whatever the case, this is certainly the article for you, dear reader! So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and most importantly have fun!
- Traits of a Female Leo
- Characteristics of Leo woman
- Dating a female Leo, what is it like?
- How to win the heart of a Leo woman
- And many more…
Before we go over the Female Leos Characteristics…
Before we go over Leo female characteristics, let’s take a refresher course on the zodiac sign itself. Understanding each of the Leo female traits becomes much easier when you understand Leo itself as a sign. Leo is a fire sign that governs the period from July 23 to August 22. Don’t let their symbol fool you. The fierce lion of the zodiac is more than just a pack leader. Now, before we go over the specifics of a female Leo, we have to answer one more burning question.
Exactly what is in it for you, especially if you’re neither pining for a female Leo nor a Leo woman yourself? Well, by looking at the female Leo traits, we’re also technically going over women who share similar characteristics with Leo! Leo’s aren’t the only headstrong women around, so this might just give you an idea on how to bag an independent woman. Or alternatively, if you’re an independent woman yourself, this article might just show you what makes someone an ideal partner for you! Now, without further ado, the traits of Leo women, below:
Female Leo Traits
Effortlessly Sensual and Alluring

A definitive head turner, the Leo female looks fabulously elegant and inviting without even trying. Attracting potential romantic partners isn’t much of a challenge to her. She is well aware of that and doesn’t shy away from taking advantage of this fact. If you want to stand out from her sea of admirers, take caution not to blindly play into her hands.
Sensual as she is, the Leo is a sign that rules the back. Caress her back and love her passionately, and she surely will return the favor. It’s no surprise that courting a Leo woman is no easy feat. You’re bound to have a few if not several interested males surrounding such an attractive and sensual woman. So put your best foot forward, and let’s learn more about the Leo woman personality.
Straightforward and Fearless
Beating around the bush just isn’t her style. The female Leo doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind and be honest. She’s a fearless baddie you’re better off not fighting against. Worry not, dear reader, the female Leo isn’t short tempered.
Her candid personality may make her come off as aggressive to some, but she’s in no way short-tempered. Don’t mistake that for weakness however, she is more than willing and able to take down anyone who deserves a reminder of how scary she can be. Keep the female Leo on your good side before they make you regret it. And if you’re trying to impress a female Leo, keep in mind that they dislike guessing games. Show her your sincerity by being upfront and honest about yourself.
Loving and Compassionate
There’s more to this baddie than meets the eye. She may be headstrong and unapologetic in her ways, but values love above all else. A Leo woman is a softie with a kind soul. In fact, this baddie is a sensitive soul that loves to connect with and relate to others on an emotional level. Able to empathize with and feel for others to the extent that she would be more than happy to be of help.
If she cares for you, trust us she is pulling all the stops to make sure you stay happy. She isn’t one to keep tabs when it comes to expressing her love to the people around her. Leo women will show off and spoil their significant others, without expecting anything in return. So if you have a Leo woman in your life, make sure to treasure them and make them feel loved too.
Independent Woman
She loves and values her freedom and independence. The female Leo doesn’t like to be kept in chains and under control. Leo women have incredibly strong personalities and are more than capable of handling their own affairs. A controlling man will only make the female Leo feel limited and hindered..
Remember dear reader, that loyalty isn’t something you force on her or anyone. An independent woman knows her value and doesn’t need another person to survive. If you seek to get the attention of a Leo woman, add value to her life instead of limiting her choices in life. Be open and make an effort to understand her life and the things that matter to her.
As the fiercest fire sign, the female Leo is famous for her burning passion. Her desire to bring happiness to her significant other, extends also to the bedroom. She is extremely confident and dominant in bed, willing to take the lead and ensure her partner feels wanted. The man compatible in bed with this fierce Leo, is someone who is able to satisfy her desire for a dominant partner in bed. Someone who is able to make her feel the same want and passion she has.

So don’t shy away when in the throws of passion with a Leo woman. We advise you to take the lead and show her exactly how much you desire her. If you’re a Leo woman yourself, dear reader, and you’re not getting the sort of steamy romance you want in the bedroom? Make sure to communicate this desire to your partner. They may just be unaware or they misunderstood and thought that you prefer to dominate in the bedroom.
Loyal and Devoted
Being independent and headstrong doesn’t mean that Leo women are unable to commit. One can argue that because of their strong personality and independence, their loyalty is unwavering. Once she has made her decision to be with you, then you can be secure knowing that she intends to have a fully committed long term relationship. You won’t have to worry about her admirers, the female Leo will remain faithful to her partner.
Leo women will dedicate themselves to their loved ones, including their significant other. They will go the extra mile to make things work out in their romantic relationship. To her, making sure you feel loved and happy is par for the course. Her priorities now include you and she will never leave you wondering if you love her, nor will she leave you wanting and looking for affection.
Trusting to a fault, the female Leo believes fully that her partner will commit and dedicate his life to her. Only a fool would take her for granted and break her heart. She will entrust her life and well being without hesitation nor question. If you’re dating a female Leo, dear reader, be attentive when holding her hand, she might not be paying attention to anything at all!
Once a female Leo believes in you, it’s hard to get her to lose trust. If you’ve ever lost the trust of a Leo woman, know that she really did try more than once to shake off her doubts. Should you want to make amends, we advise you to be forward and sincere in your approach. Let her know clearly what your intentions are. Apologize and be persistent in your effort to prove that you are sincere.
Jealous and Possessive
Territorial as they are, Leo women do get jealous and possessive. She expects her partner to return the loyalty and devotion she continues to give to their committed relationship. Becoming the significant other of a female Leo, means that she now sees you as hers just as much as she is yours. So how do we maintain a happy relationship with a female Leo?
Give her no reason to doubt your faithfulness and reassure her that she’s the only one for you. Her penchant for jealousy means she will need more reassurance to feel secure in the relationship. Remind her that you love and adore her, through words and actions. Let her know you think about her and care for her by doing simple but considerate things. Like giving her your jacket when she’s cold.

Exuding positivity, the Leo woman does not stay down when facing adversity. They will keep trying until they succeed and they never seem to run out of steam! Leo women have a “can do” attitude and they don’t back down from a challenge. Leave it to her to get things done. It’s no surprise that she’s so independent and confident.
Giving up is just not part of their dictionary, whether it’s with work or her loved one’s. She doesn’t like to throw in the towel, ever. Leo women will spend time to understand and deconstruct the situation, even try multiple varied approaches before giving up. This usually works in her favor, leading her to great success in life.
With the pride of a Lion, the female Leo holds herself to a certain regard and expects respect from others. This baddie knows she has a lot of people to choose from and doesn’t have to stick to someone who doesn’t appreciate her presence. Leo women don’t have the patience for mixed signals and insincere people. She works hard on the daily and puts in extra effort to make others feel loved and appreciated, and expects this from others in kind.
If you ever get into a fight with a female Leo, we advise you not to give her the cold shoulder. She will feed off of this emotion and replace you in the blink of an eye. And she won’t replace you with just anyone. The Leo woman will make sure to find someone that can make you feel insecure about yourself.
Wrapping it All up…
Passionate and committed, the Leo woman will surely give you the calm and secure romantic life you dreamed to have. Proceed with caution however, the female Leo is in no way a smooth sailing romantic escapade. There will be trials and tribulations. The key to a successful partnership with the Leo woman is sincerity, honesty and devotion.
For the Leo woman, leave your pride behind and love with compassion. Hurtful actions born from pride will leave scars. Regardless of how angry you are or what your intentions may be, it does not erase the scars you may have caused. Think always before you act, and understand that not everyone can be as headstrong and honest about their emotions. Choose the path that respects your needs but also respects your partners needs.
At the end of the day, the stars only serve to guide us. Carve your fate as you see fit and use Astrology as your compass to create happiness and fulfillment in your life. Just make that choice and choose to act on it everyday. Remember that you are the captain of your own ship, and the master of your fate!