With each Zodiac sign having a specific set of qualities, corresponding career astrology paths are out of the question. Given how each of them can be naturally attuned to certain tasks, identifying their optimal career paths using professional astrology reading is a must.
Curious which career path best suits your Zodiac sign? Come, and discover your career based on an astrology chart!
Astrology Career 101: How to know my future Career
Looking at each Zodiac sign, we’ll see that each is characterized by certain elements and modalities. Defining the sign’s nature, these factors determine some suitable career paths.
How to know my future career through astrology? Which career to choose using astrology?
To pinpoint the most suitable career path for you, having a general understanding of how elements and modalities work will make it easier for you to ascertain your astrologically determined career path.
As each sign’s qualities are determined by a unique combination of element + modality, grasping both will give you a good overview of your zodiac’s appropriate career path. Here’s a quick summary of it:
- Fire: creativity and passion
- Water: emotions and intuition
- Air: reason and communication
- Earth: practicality and stability
- Cardinal: initiation and new beginnings
- Fixed: stability and balance
- Mutable: change and transition
By looking at these fundamentals, you can pretty much infer what career type best suits your Zodiac sign.
But how will my career pan out using astrology?
In reality, there’s no telling how your career will pan out using astrology. Though reading the stars can give adequate insight as to how things will go, most of it will still depend on your own passion and determination. Professional astrology reading, after all, is only part of a bigger whole.
This points to a central idea – that a career based on astrology chart only serves as a guide in moving forward. Remember that above all else, you are equipped with reason and free will to determine the career of your choice.
However, heeding the career astrology advice can also do good for you. Since each sign is characterized by a set of qualities, some career paths are simply better than others. Surely, being on a path that resonates with your inherent strengths and interests will lead to a more fruitful journey.

Which career suits me according to Astrology?
To answer this question, we’ve prepared a brief list of possible career astrology paths for each of the Zodiac signs. Come check them out!
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
Known to be great leaders and motivational speakers, Aries can pull people towards them. Rallying against the tide, they are passionate and determined to achieve tasks. They certainly thrive in highly stressful environments, as challenges can only fire them up. As a matter of fact, they constantly seek the high road, allowing them to push their limits.
Some possible career paths:
- Corporate middle management
- Sales
- Military
- Healthcare services
- Corporate
- Rescue and Emergency
Element: Earth
Modality: Fixed
Known to be balanced and stable, Taurus is often underrated due to their perceived stubbornness and laziness. While it may appear as such, they are actually one of the most resilient and rational among zodiac signs. No matter how big the storm is, they remain steadfast like an immovable mountain. Repetitive tasks also don’t faze them as they are comfortable in the familiar.
Some possible career paths:
- Business owners
- Accounting
- Animal Breeder
- Athlete
- Gallery curator
- Baking
Modality: Cardinal
One of the most versatile astrological archetypes, Gemini is endowed with the ability to ride the waves of change. They are adaptable, making them fit almost any career path. The only problem is they are so comfortable with change, that they constantly seek newness. Thus, they are best suited in jobs that require endless creativity and variation.
Some possible career paths:
- Salesperson
- Arts and Music
- Journalism and broadcasting
- Social Media manager
- Writer
- Teacher
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
Tapping on their intuitive powers, Cancer is known to be good at initiating positive change. They are we-centered by nature since they recognize the interconnectedness of things on a spiritual level. As such, people-oriented and goal-driven careers suit them best. Just be careful, since as a Cancer, you do have that sensitive side.
Some possible career paths:
- NGO Worker
- Social Work
- Interior designer
- Occupational Therapist
- Psychologist/Counselor
- Human Resources

Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
Being the most dominant Zodiac sign, Leo exudes royalty. They see themselves as higher than everyone else, and they take pride in it. Naturally, they will serve as excellent governors, leaders, and CEOs. Fearless and unwavering, no challenge is too big for them. As such, they are good at making difficult choices, knowing that their actions can heavily impact the lives of others.
Some possible career paths:
- Corporate executive
- Sales executive
- Motivational speaker
- Politician
- Court Judge
- Police/Army General
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Perfectionists by heart, Virgo will stop at nothing to get what they want. With their adept and cunning nature, this workaholic sign can pour in focus to small tasks without losing sight of the bigger picture. Practical and objective, they are goal-oriented people who are fit for both big and small tasks. Just make sure to curtail their critical nature, since they can be a bit too obsessive on perfection itself.
Some possible career paths:
- Corporate middle management
- Executive assistant
- Accountant
- Engineering and Architecture
- Web Developer
- Data Analyst
Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal
Communication and reason are Libra’s greatest strengths. Able to deal with people from all walks of life, they can ease the tension in a corporate boiler room. And with their unmatched communicative powers, they can also become excellent diplomats. Add to that, they can actively restrain their emotions, allowing them to finish the tasks and achieve the goal at hand.
Some possible career paths:
- Foreign diplomat
- Counselor/Therapist
- Lawyer
- Human resource person
- Sales and Marketing
- Speech Pathologist
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
Often portrayed as crybabies, Scorpios are deeply attached to their emotions. Such a turbulent attitude may appear negative at first, but a refined Scorpio can excel to the top. This is because they are one of the most passionate and dedicated signs, especially when they resonate well with their careers.
Some possible career paths:
- Artists
- Sales and Marketing
- University Researcher
- Medical Doctor
- Psychologist
- Rescue and Emergency
Element: Fire
Modality: Mutable
Perhaps the most easy-going sign, Sagittarius prioritizes their individual happiness above all else. Like free spirits, they will roam around and hop from one career to another, until they find something truly worth their time and effort. And when they do, they’ll become that swift and precise arrow, enough to pierce any challenge that may block their way.
Some possible career paths:
- University Professor
- Painter/Artist
- Travel Blogger
- Writer
- Entrepreneur
- Life Coach
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
Known to be the most vigilant sign, Capricorn are calm and calculative. They usually take their time before hopping into anything, ensuring that there’s a clear path ahead. Don’t be deceived, though they may appear to be prudent, they are actually ambitious. In fact, they can align ambition with safety, as they pursue something that’s a surefire way to financial freedom.
Some possible career paths:
- Corporate Ceo
- Sales and Marketing Head
- Accountant
- Engineering and Architecture
- Scientist
- Researcher
Element: Air
Modality: Fixed
Being the embodiment of transformation itself, Aquarius is destined to bring innovation to mankind. They are, by default, curious and inquisitive, often expanding the bounds of knowledge. As such, creative roles fit them well, as they love to pursue new horizons.
Some possible career paths:
- Painter/Artist
- Scientist
- Researcher
- Journalism and Broadcasting
- University Professor
- Musician
Element: Water
Modality: Mutable
Being the most spiritual Zodiac sign, Pisces is deeply connected with their inner selves. They are adept, flexible, and resourceful. As such, no challenge is too big for them given how they can find new ways to solve the same old problems. Thus, they thrive in a fast-paced type of work, even when it has an imbalanced schedule.
Some possible career paths:
- Logistics
- Sales and Marketing
- Life Coach/ Spiritual Guide
- Artists
- Musician
- Corporate
Final Word
A professional astrology reading will help you find out which career path best suits you. By looking at your career based on the astrology chart, you can determine which ones you’ll be most comfortable with. Just remember, career astrology only serves as a guide. At the end of the day, it is up to you which ones to pursue!