Zodiac signs personality is one of the best ways to understand our role in this world. But before that, we must acknowledge that MOST of us are having trouble understanding ourselves. Often, we live life and realize how absurd it is! As the famous French philosopher Albert Camus puts it:
“Life can be magnificent and overwhelming – that is the whole tragedy. Without beauty, love, or danger it would almost be easy to live.”
True enough, life itself is a tragedy!
But more often than not, it is such when we are at a loss on what to do with our own existence. And while you can opt to do many things, the sheer number of options makes even more confusing!
As such, having a good starting ground allows for a more meaningful existence. And while there are many guides here and there, going for the most reliable ones is always a sensible choice.
With that, we present to you the Zodiac Signs Personality!
Based on the mystical power of the planets and the stars, this ancient form of divination will help you understand your own meaning and purpose. Guiding you through the muck of the world, its timeless wisdom will become your ever-reliable torch.
By discovering your zodiac signs personality, you can adequately maneuver life’s twists and turns. And whatever this absurd existence may throw at you, you’ll always have that “thing” you can go back to!
Without further ado, here’s your personality based on your Zodiac Sign:
Zodiac Sign Personality
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
As a fire sign, you are passionate and empowered. You love being at the forefront of things. When attempting to do something, you like taking the lead. As such, you are a natural-born leader who can see greatness even in the absence of such.
As a cardinal sign, you are great at getting things started. Being a cardinal one, you always seek newness and creativity, often bringing yourself to unknown heights. You are never hesitant to jump-in first, as it is part of your nature to explore the world around you.
When you combine both, it simply means that you are a fire starter. As a vocalist, you bring in that positive vibe and energy that can change the world around you. Add to that, your passion separates you from the rest of the crowd…you simply stand out even if you didn’t intend to!
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its own drawbacks. For one, you are rash and impulsive. Pouncing on every opportunity, you tend to put yourself in peril. Failing to assess things before even starting them, your outright and unevaluated courage can sometimes do more harm than good.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Element: Earth
Modality: Fixed
As an earth sign, you are rational and practical. Seeing life from the lens of the world, you aren’t the type to expect wishy-washy things from the universe. Instead, like an Ox, you strongly believe in the power of hard work and perseverance.
As a fixed sign, you are stable and secure. You love constantness… and it never seems to bore you. Instead, you feel empowered when you see how things are within where you’d expect them.
When you combine both, it means that you are a stable mountain. By default, you like to build things from the ground up and love to secure your position in the world. Consequently, you can draw people in, as you become a trustworthy partner and friend to them.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you are hard-headed and lazy. Like a cow that barely moves, you seldom adjust to others. And while having one’s disposition is good, not having the right reasons will almost always lead to the worst.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
As an air sign, you are rational and communicative. Given such, you always find yourself in the middle of many crowds, as your polarizing colored personality often draws others in. Knowledgable about the current events, your exciting personality always brings life to the party.
As a mutable sign, you are ever-changing. Your zodiac signs personality leads you to love the push-and-pull nature of life. Like a joker, you dwell in absurdity and transition. Thus, no matter what life may throw at you, you’ll have that inner feeling that you’ve seen it all. Nothing fazes you since you are accustomed to change.
When you combine both, it simply means that you are a drifting wind. Just as how the wind comes and goes, your power to move takes you to places. Coupled with your creative mind, you will find new ways to see the same old story or simply chase what goes beyond you.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you are fickle-minded and inconsistent. Valuing the thrill above all else, you often forget commitments to your family and friends. With that, you’ll undoubtedly find yourself in unnecessary conflict with others.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
As a water sign, you are caring and connective. Given such, you always find yourself helping others even before they ask for it. Like a good samaritan, your pure intentions will lead to the betterment of those around you.
As a cardinal sign, you engage at will. You see the need to go the extra mile and extend your help and concern. Intuitively, you can feel this inner calling to simply be there and help others take that “first” step towards success.
When you combine both, it simply means that you are a life-giver. With your ability to nurture others, your intuitive strength is further amplified by your innate altruistic desires. Perhaps, this is something to be expected of you given that you can relate to the struggles of others.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, people around you often take advantage of your goodwill. As you help without malice and ulterior motives, others can impose their own. Also, you lean towards the emotional side, so you can get stingy at times.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
As a fire sign, you are powerful and dominant. Like the king of the jungle, you see yourself as above everyone else. You are born with that sense of leadership and governance, often leading you to pull others to your cause.
As a fixed sign, you seek to retain your power and position. Knowing what you’re capable of, this inner drive to be in-control couples with your fiery desire to dominate. If utilized correctly, you are the type of leader who’ll bring about a golden age.
When you combine both, it simply means that you are a royal ruler. With your affinity for governance, you’re born with a unique sense of how to lead others. Remember that this kind of “sense” is not something anyone can simply replicate. By birth, you have that dashing, royal, and red-carpeted aura with you.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, your dominance can easily turn into oppression. If you are unguided, you’re one of the most destructive signs since your hunger for power and control can end up hurting others.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
As an earth sign, you are practical and grounded. Unlike other signs, you excel at taking things as they are. This way, you become similar to your symbol – the maiden who nourishes the lands of prosperity. Add to that, you also aim for no-fuss solutions, making you efficient and effective.
As a mutable sign, your zodiac signs personality leads you to be good at fixing things and finding solutions. With your simplified way of thinking, even the most complex problems become comprehensible. This often brings you a good set of people, as you show them how change can be good and manageable.
When you combine both, you will become the prosperity bringer. In a sense, your essence plays a crucial role in how you (and those around you) can grow their potentialities. Whereas Cancer provides the care and the love, you provide the fertile soil from which success is built upon.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you can easily become worldly and selfish. Fulfilling your mutable desires, you’ll indulge yourself in your wealth instead of using it for the greater good. Along the way, you’ll also end up hurting others feelings, especially as you resort to make use of them.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal
As an air sign, you are communicative and rational. Whereas other air signs focus on rationality alone, your ability to mingle with others is unparalleled. You are quick witted and can easily pick up conversations of all sorts. Given such, your sense of humor is almost always on point.
As a cardinal sign, you are good at engaging with something. Whether it is an idea or a person, your ability to process things can lead to success wherever you are. By properly approaching and carrying over, you can make the simplest idea into a splendid one. The natural consequence of such, of course, is that people will love you for who you are.
When you combine both, you will become the rational diplomat. Your ability to keep your cool and analyze the middle ground is much cherished by those around you. And on top of that, you have that inner desire to maintain justice and order, making things orderly, to say the least.
Be careful though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you are prone to being fooled by those around you. Since you seek the middle ground, unscrupulous individuals can take advantage of this aim. Whereas you think you’ve done the good, you’ll be unconsciously contributing to the bad.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
As a water sign, you are emotional… Yes, your quirk lies in this ability, since emotions are at the core of your existence. Above all other signs, you are the most in touch with your passions and deepest thoughts. Often, this leads to you being misunderstood.
As a fixed sign, you seek to understand what is there. With that overall understanding of uniqueness, your zodiac signs personality leads you to value one’s subjectivity and individuality. Given such, you engage with others in a more personal way compared to most signs.
When you combine both, you will become the emotional healer. As you expose your real emotions to those that you care for, you can unravel their inner thoughts and feelings. And whatever shadow they may have inside, you can help them deal with it.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you are the moodiest and most emotional sign. In fact, even the slightest things can annoy you and destroy your day.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Element: Fire
Modality: Mutable
As a fire sign, you embody the pinnacle of perspectives. Able to passionately influence others with your views, you are born to move and become a mover. Your fiery personality often manifests in your ability to teach others and impart your sense of wisdom.
As a mutable sign, you express your personhood by opening new paths. You are like a blazing arrow that’s fired by a skilled archer. Eager to explore the world, you are afraid of nothing, for you see change as an opportunity for growth. Thus, you’ll often see yourself blazing away from the herd as you set your path.
When you combine both, you will become the passionate gadfly. Like Socrates of Athens, you’ll stop at nothing with your buzzing as you search for truth and wisdom. While others may find you annoying or even disruptive, your unparalleled flame will fuel your quest even in the darkest moments of life.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, your zodiac signs personality leads you you can be overly frank and tactless. Not mindful of how others will feel, you’ll offend those around you without even knowing it. Also, you tend to continually shift between things between what you want and those that you must do!
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
As an earth sign, you embody practicality and vigilance. Of all the three earth signs, you are the most calculative since you’re afraid of losing (in literally everything). Thus, your zodiac signs personality leads you to be a lowkey competitive person whose willing to do anything just to win even the silliest argument. When utilized properly, your skills are top-notch in both thinking and doing.
As a cardinal sign, you are never afraid to explore new paths. Just as your sign suggests, you have the ability to traverse both land and sea. In astrology, this means that you can do both emotion and action. Thus, whatever situation you are in, you can gauge things using reason and intuition in ways that other earth signs can’t.
When you combine both, you will become the living hand of Midas. Like king Midas himself, you can make businesses boom. Since you can assess things as they are and presume the negative results, you’re always prepared with whatever comes your way.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, your vigilance will sometimes get the best of you. Instead of seeing the good things, your focus on the negative ones places everything in peril. Coupled with your cynical mindset, you might break before you even started anything at all!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Element: Air
Modality: Fixed
As an air sign, you embody the transformative powers of rationality. Among all the zodiac signs, you are innovative. Able to rethink things and analyze from a higher perspective, you are good at introducing positive changes to the community around you.
As a fixed sign, you aim for stability. While air signs tend to be very “on and off,” you shine as someone who seeks sustainable development. Given such, this translates into action as you live-up to that humanitarian goal of yours.
When you combine both, you will become the benevolent healer. Introducing change and positivity, your influence can improve the general population. Whereas Cancer focuses on helping the individual, you seek to help the society at large.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you tend to be impersonal and uncaring (at least from a subjective point of view). Detached from humanity, your humanitarian ends may be executed without proper evaluation. Always remember to occasionally plant your feet on the ground!
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Element: Water
Modality: Mutable
As a water sign, you embody the highest forms of spirituality and intuition. Among all the zodiac signs, you are the wisest. Your intuition comes second to none, as you have that inner ability to see things from a wider perspective.
As a mutable sign, you seek to generate change through spirituality. Able to dwell in the higher realm, people come to you for wisdom and even purpose. Like a guide, your inner calling is to lead others towards the path that they want.
When you combine both, you will become the intuitive dreamer. With your ability to juggle things, you can pretty much handle anything that life may throw at you. Seeking balance and greatness, you are the actualization of the two-fish sign.
Be careful, though, since your sign also has its drawbacks. For one, you might find yourself disconnected from the world simply because of your ethereal pursuits. Add to that, you can also be very moody at times and unable to identify the reason for such.