Each Tarot card holds a unique and special symbolism and meaning. These Tarot cards provide an insight into our lives and experiences. One special card in the Tarot deck is the Page of Cups. The Page of Cups is a very interesting and intriguing card. What is the Page of Cups meaning, you ask? Let’s delve into that in this article
To give you a visualization, the Page of Cups is a reminder to discover and embrace the playful child in you. It lets you explore your soul and find your true potential. Join us as we explore the spiritual symbolism and meaning of the Page of Cups.
In this article, we will talk about
- The Page of Cups in the Tarot Deck
- Imagery behind the Page of Cups
- Upright and Reversed Meaning
- What it means in a Tarot Reading?
- And more…
The Page of Cups
Generally, the Page of Cups is a representation of the youth, innovation, and new outlook in life. The Page of Cups is your reminder to be curious, explorative, and playful yet intuitive. In other words, the Page of Cups meaning leans toward approaching life like a child – with innocence, curiosity, and dreamy demeanor.
Sometimes we get too consumed with life’s problems that we forget to have fun and enjoy our lives. Maybe you struggle in making decisions and being creative. Or maybe you lost motivation and want to find happiness. Pulling a Page of Cups is your sign to connect with your inner child. Listen to the inner voice and pull inspiration from the messages of the kid you used to be.
The Page of Cups also denotes sensitivity and intuition. It calls you to connect with your spirituality and and intuition for guidance. This card brings you a lot of messages, but the most important of all is to trust your intuition. Let your intuition guide your path in life.
Elements of the Page of Cups
You can interpret the Page of Cups meaning through understanding the imagery and visuals of the card. Let’s decipher the meaning of Page of Cups in this section.

Young Person
The first illustration that would catch your eye when you look at the Page of Cups is the young person wearing a blue tunic, a scarf, and a beret. This central figure symbolizes the youthful energy that the card depicts. It represents your inner child, youthfulness, idealism, and new and happy beginnings. In addition, the blue tunic of the young person symbolizes a pure heart, something that the young possesses.
In some modern Tarot decks, the young person is in the image of a princess. Nevertheless, the meaning is still the same. This youthful figure also symbolizes a start of a new journey or a new phase in your life. The presence of a young and playful energy inspires you to approach life like a child – hopeful and receptive.
The young person holds a chalice in their hand. In the realm of Tarot, the cups is a metaphor for a vessel that hold our subconscious mind. This include our emotions, intuition, and spirituality. The cup has an open rim, which symbolizes openness and being receptive. This suggests that you should be responsive towards your feelings and intuition in order to effectively manage your emotional and creative journey.
In the world of Tarot, the cup has a very rich symbolic meanings. But in general, it stands for on’s emotional and spiritual facets in life. Overall, the cups is a reminder to acknowledge and accept your emotions and intuition.
In the Page of Cups card, the fish seems to unexpectedly peek from the cup. The leaping of the fish from the cup represents the unforeseen with a hint of playfulness. This means that fun and unexpected things are coming your way. And when you find yourself in the face of the unexpected, keep an open mind and let loose of your imaginative, inquisitive, and intuitive self. When you do this, you will learn and discover new things about yourself and the world
The fish’s unexpected appearance serves as a reminder that things will happen unexpectedly hence you should always be ready.
The sea symbolizes the depths of our emotions and subconscious mind. Like the sea, our inner feelings and psyche is as vast and deep. It signifies our constantly changing emotions – sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent and stormy. Voyaging through our subconscious allows us to explore into our hidden thoughts, memories, and intuitive perspective. By acknowledging your hidden thoughts and emotions, you can release pent-up emotions and let go of the excess baggage.
The sea is an important element as it also suggests a spiritual awakening. It symbolizes an upcoming journey into the new horizons with the goal to exploring your spirituality for personal growth.
Page of Cups Tarot Card
Did you draw the Page of Cups in a Tarot reading? What does the Page of Cups meaning signify in a Tarot reading? There are several interpretation if the Page of Cups depending on the context of the reading. Here are a few interpretations of drawing the Page of Cups.
Emotional Exploration
When you draw the Page of Cups, it suggests that you are about to embark on an exploration to open and express your emotions. You might have your intuition heightened during this journey. Listen to your intuition and trust your gut feeling. You may receive intuitive and spiritual messages through dreams, spirit animals, or your intuition. Always be attentive of your surroundings and you’ll hear the messages. These messages will help your journey of emotional growth, self-expression, and self-awareness.
Creativity and Artistic Pursuits
Because of the Page of Cups’ youthful energy, it also exudes a very vibrant, creative, and artistic energy. If you draw the Page of Cups card, it might be an indication to pursue that passion project. Release your inner creativity, explore your talents, and pursue your artistic endeavors.
Drawing the Page of Cups may be your sign to finish your artworks or show your talents to the world. Or of you have been planning to express yourself through arts or even performing arts, this is your sign. Grab that brush and extend your arms to follow that beat and rhythm. .

Tap into your Inner Child
The Page of Cups meaning in general leans towards the youth – innocent and playful. The card, when drawn, signifies that you should let your inner child reign and look at the world with curiosity, playfulness, and fresh new perspective. Reconnecting with your inner child allows you to rediscover the little joys in your life. This could help you have a more positive and joyful disposition in life.
Being playful and adventurous, as what the Page of Cups interpret, helps relieve stress if you are going through a stressful time in your llife. Tap into your inner child and heal the wounds and baggages from the past. With this, you’ll have a more balanced adulthood.
Upright and Reversed Symbolism and Interpretation
What is the Page of Cups upright meaning? Is it different when the Page of Cups reversed appear in a reading? Let’s discover the meaning of the upright and reversed Page of Cups meaning below.
In Relationships and Love
The Page of Cups love meaning points to a new beginning. If you draw this card upright, it is a good sign. You are off to a fresh new beginning. This means that if you are single, this is a sign that you are about to embark on a new relationship. It might be a younger person or someone who has a childlike energy. The upright Page of Cups says yes to this new partnership.
However, if you are already in a relationship, it is a sign that you might receive a proposal. The Page of Cups could also signify that you should look at your relationship in the eyes of a child. This could help increase the excitement and add spice in your relationship.
When in reverse, the interpretation of the Page of cups brings challenges and obstacles in your love life. If you are currently single, you might face unrequited love and failed matches and dates. A reversed Page of Cups indicates that you are too childish to be in a relationship.
Meanwhile, if you are already in a relationship, you might get your heart broken. If not a breakup, your most awaited proposal or engagement might not happen. An appearance of the reversed Page of Cups might also indicate that you are having relationship problems because of immaturity. The reversed Page of Cups is your sign to be mindful of your actions with regards to your relationship.
In Career and Finances

The Page of Cups career and finances interpretation tells you to follow your dreams. But make sure you ground your dreams in reality. The Page of Cups assures you positive outcomes only if you work hard for it. The card is not a wishing well. You still have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your career and financial goals. Drawing an upright Page of Cups implies positive financial news, promotion, or a new job offer. If you are a hardworker, you will soon reap success.
A reversed Page of Cups in a career and finances reading is a bad omen. Are you having a bad time at work? Perhaps you are financially unstable. The reversed Page of Cups signifies that you are dealing with career and financial difficulties. Maybe your work is taking too much of your time, or it is the biggest stressor in your life right now. You might also spent your money on risky choices which led to financial setbacks.
The Page of Cups in reverse is a warning that you should be wise in investing your money. Do not just trust anything that promises easy money. Think rationally and evaluate offers that are too good to be true. The reversed Page of Cups might be a bad omen thus always be prepared and have a fallback and a backup plan.
In Health and Wellbeing
Your physical and spiritual health is in good condition when the Page of Cups appear. If you recently contracted illnesses or diseases, you will soon recover. The upright meaning of the Page of Cups brings excellent news regarding your physical health. If you are trying to conceive, this is your sign that you might soon be pregnant.
In terms of your spirituality, the Page of Cups indicates a healthy psychic abilities. With this, you may receive clairvoyant messages through your dreams, spirit animals, or intuition. The appearance of the Page of Cups is your sign to trust your intuition because and listen to the voice from within.
The reversed Page of Cups in the context of your physical and spiritual health indicates problems. You might be dealing with health problems or you might also be engaging in activities that are detrimental to your health. In terms of your spirituality, you might struggle to keep the physical and spiritual world in harmony. It might be that you are dwelling too much on the spiritual world, or vice versa.
If you draw the reversed Page of Cups, try to maintain the balance in your spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional aspects in your life. Be more responsible and conscious in taking care of yourself. Ask the guidance of your doctor or spiritual guide. Put yourself first and let go of the stressors in your life.
Closing Thoughts
Allow the Page of Cups’ energy to rekindle with your inner child, express your feelings and creativity, and trust your intuition. This will not only spark joy but will also contribute to your personal growth. Let the youthful energy of the Page of Cups rekindle your current self with your inner child.