When someone thinks of Libra, one thinks of a stoic Zodiac sign. They are these Zen individuals who love to balance everything out. They like things to be orderly and peaceful. Neutral, even. However, there are those that are wary of this Zodiac. They will tell you all of the reasons why Libra is dangerous! With this in mind, what is in the Libra dark side?
Are Libras Dangerous?
First, we must address the elephant in the room. Like any other Zodiac, Libra natives have a good or bad side. When someone pushes their buttons, they can be threatening. But when they get totally pissed, you’ll get why Libra is dangerous. Their kind, orderly nature will give way to someone eager to destroy. This is why Libra is dangerous. Once you let your guard down after pissing them off, you’re in for a nasty ride.
So, Why Is Libra So Dangerous?
The things that make Libra agreeable to everyone can also make them threatening. They can turn things around at will, and weaponize their positive traits. Their diplomatic, eager, and easygoing nature can then morph into something else. If they feel threatened, they will no doubt exact revenge. And when they do, one can only pray the retribution is light.
There is no telling what Libra just might do to someone who angers them. They have all sorts of options, and they all don’t look good for the person they want to hurt. What’s more, these unfortunate tendencies cannot be easily detected. Libra natives are able to mask their intentions so well. Trying to know when they are doing something questionable can be difficult. Considering how they just do most things genuinely and normally, one can never truly tell.
How Dangerous are Libras?
Now that we established that Libras have negative tendencies, it is time to take a look at what they are. It is quite an expansive list. Some of the things may even surprise you! After all, who would even expect certain traits from a Libra native? But they are real, and are worth looking out for. This way, you will know how you will be able to manage a Libra that’s about to explode.
What Behaviors Are The Basis Of Why Libra Is Dangerous?
1. Manipulative
It goes without saying that Libras are the diplomats of the Zodiac. After all, they know how to balance things out. It can be quite impressive at how they can talk people out or into things by choice. But it is also this gift that makes them menacing. If they feel like things are not going the way they want, they can use their natural charisma. Or worse, they can flat out threaten, coerce, or even straight up blackmail people. And because they are talented speakers, their victims don’t even know that they already are manipulated. When they do, it is already too late.
And they just don’t do it because they want something major. Even doing a simple chore for them can be enough reason for Libra to manipulate someone. But they are careful not to use this talent all the time. They know how they can bait people, hook, line, and sinker. Yet they are smart enough to do it when they need to. Otherwise, their honest, trustworthy, and understanding persona will go flying out the window. Most of the time they would just seem to be considerate when someone refuses them. With this, they will be able to uphold the public perception of Libra that is stoic and unfussy about things.

2. Master Liars
Following the manipulative vein, it is logical to think of Libra natives as effective liars. They know how to bend people to their will after all. If anything, they can convince anyone of just about anything! Their lying skills are on another level that they can make people feel good about themselves. A people-pleaser, if you will. Once they see that the other person is already into what Libra has told them, it can be too late. They can be ultimately convinced to do things that they never wanted to do. With this, it can then tie in to Libra’s ability to manipulate masterfully.
Logic is what drives a Libra to do things. It is because of this that they are able to make convincing lies. They would even make people question their memory and beliefs! This only shows how effective they are in what they are doing. It doesn’t matter if the truth has been twisted beyond recognition. What matters to a lying Libra native is the fact that their lie is logical and watertight. Once you question what they’ve said, it can then be difficult to determine where the truth ends, and the lie starts.
3. Emotionally Detached
When someone wants to balance things in their life, they usually don’t factor in their feelings. After all, one’s emotions can prove to be detrimental to their goals. They can hold you back, causing you all sorts of internal strife. By compartmentalizing things, especially feelings, everything can be more bearable. Libra natives take it a step further. They not just emotionally detach themselves when balancing things out.
They’re emotionally detached from everything. Even when things are intense in one way or another, they just don’t feel anything. Of course, they are not robots. Being humans, Libras can also attach themselves to people and things. But most of the time they just choose not to. For them, it can be too much of a hassle.
This is perhaps what makes Libra terrifying. If one asks “What is the most dangerous thing about a Libra?”, this is perhaps the answer. Because they can consciously choose not to feel anything, they can do unthinkable things willingly. They will not feel remorse about these, even! The next thing you know, they’ve done something so nefarious and unspeakable. But then you might ask, what would make a Libra native do such terrible things? Well
4. Vengeful
In what may be a twisted view of balance, Libra natives want to get back with those who hurt them. If the world has to go back in its proper order, then wrongdoings must be avenged. Calling Libras firm believers of the code of Hammurabi is an understatement. In fact, they live and breathe the principle of “an eye for an eye!” They will not hesitate to exact revenge on those whom they perceived to have offended them. It doesn’t matter who these people are, or what they have done wrong. All that Libra focuses on is that they will be able to exact retribution. And because they tend to be emotionally-detached, they are able to get back with no sense of remorse.
Now you might say, hold on, is that that Scorpio’s thing? But you must remember that Scorpio is very much emotionally charged. They do things because they are passionate about it- even the questionable ones. They feel so strongly about it that they will make it their entire personality. On the other hand, revenge is only a logical step for Libra. For balance to exist, then it only makes sense to get back to another person. Once people question their motive behind certain things, they will just say that it is proper to get revenge. After all, for them, what has been taken must be returned, and vice versa. This is what makes the world a better place in Libra’s eyes.
5. Gossipmongers

While one can argue that a gossip or two can’t hurt anybody, the same cannot be said when Libra does it. If anything, it is ten times more lethal! Considering all their above-mentioned traits, one can only guess that they are really good at spreading gossip. And they are! They can just about spin anything and make people believe them without any question. After all, this makes for good conversation. And if there is anything that Libra is good at, it’s communicating and connecting with other people in a variety of ways. Even the most ludicrous claim from this Zodiac can still be believable! Once they start spreading gossip, it no longer matters if their claims are true or not. All that there is is a potentially life changing and reputation wrecking event. It can be quite painful to the victim. What’s worse, the Libra native who spread the gossip is difficult to track down. They know how to cover up their tracks in a way that they can’t be tracked down as a source of gossip. All the while their victim has already experienced severe consequences of the actions of their Libra-oriented peer.
How Do I Know When Libra Is Being Dangerous?
First of all, you won’t. Libras are very intelligent and know how to convince other people that they are anything other than kind and benevolent. But if you have the privilege of being close with someone with this Zodiac sign, try to observe them. You may not realize it, but you may already have picked up on subtle hints. The way their hands shake, their voice goes higher or deeper, or even their eye movement will tell you a lot. If you know them well, then you already know when they are being the evil mastermind that they are.
Once you have this information, observe another Libra. See which of these behaviors are applicable to the second person. Then compare and contrast. Although this can be quite an unscientific method, it can at least help you out. This will give you the awareness of what to look out for in certain people. If you are one of those people who want to help others, you can help Libra natives manage their behavior. They often are unaware of their negative behavior, believing it to be inherent and cannot be corrected.
I Am A Libra, And I Do These All The Time. How Do I Correct These Destructive Behaviors?
Before anything else, thank you for recognizing your own behavior. There is no denying that doing such is quite a huge hurdle you had to go through. All your life you were used to doing things a certain way that you didn’t know was actually negative. Now, you are ready to unlearn such behaviors. Doing this will not be easy, but if you are truly committed, you can improve yourself.
First, observe yourself. What are the things that trigger the above-mentioned behaviors? Does it happen frequently? Are you able to control them most of the time that they happen? Or does it prompt you to do all sorts of drastic actions that not just ruin others, but also yourself? By knowing when these happen, you will be able to know more about yourself.

Next, think about how you actualize these behaviors. Manipulation, lying, revenge, gossip mongering, and even emotional detachment can manifest in different ways. Determine how you do them, as well as the effects that they have on other people. Be as objective as you can on this matter. Do not be too easy on yourself, nor should you be too hard. If it helps, taking a third person approach can actually help a lot.
Third, think about proactive ways of which you can go against these negative behaviors. Rather than being manipulative, you can instead explain yourself as clearly as possible. Then if the other person still won’t agree, then respect them and move on. Instead of exacting revenge on others, look at the situation and the other person with empathy. Forgive, move on, and learn from your experiences. What matters is that you are able to slowly work on yourself. Your transformation certainly won’t happen overnight. But if you are determined and committed, you will be a better version of yourself in due time.
Closing Thoughts
The question of why Libra is dangerous is perhaps surprising to many people. To others, it can even be unthinkable. But like any other Zodiac, Libra has its dark side. That is why Libra is dangerous. They are seemingly unassuming and living without any malice, but turn out to be downright nefarious in every way possible.
It is therefore important that other people know how to look out for these behaviors. The danger that Libra poses may not be major on the reg. However, they can be terrifying once they zero in on someone as their victim. It can then lead to possibly unthinkable consequences on the lives of both parties.
As for the Libras who are aware of them doing these behaviors, self-improvement is the way. Accepting such negative tendencies is not an excuse, especially for a functioning adult. Constant transformation into someone better is the best bet for Libra natives struggling with the dark side of themselves.