Astrology and birthstones have historically had a special meaning. Birthstones resonate with each sign’s particular energy and traits. Each sign has crystals that resonate and amplify their qualities. Now, you might be asking what is the birthstone for Virgo? We’ve listed a few crystals that are the birthstones for Virgo. Virgo birthstone has unique qualities that influence a Virgo’s personality and traits.
Birthstones and astrology have a fascinating connection. Whether you are a Virgo yourself or simply curious about the gemstones of Virgo, this article is for you. This article has a descriptive explanation of the different Virgo birthstones.
This article will talk about…
- Birthstone for Virgo
- The Blue Sapphire as Virgo’s Birthstone
- Other Birthstones for Virgo
- Choosing and Taking Care of Birthstones
- And more
What are birthstones?
Birthstones hold a historical, cultural, and spiritual significance. Every month of the year has an assigned birthstone. These gemstones bring luck, protection, and provision to those born that month. Each birthstone has unique properties, attributes, and various benefits.
You can trace the existence of gemstones back to ancient civilizations. In the Bible, the Breastplate of Aaron has 12 gemstones, which represent the 12 tribes of Israel. This also influenced the belief of Christians that each gem from the Breastplate of Aaron associates with the 12 apostles. In Medieval Europe, people believed that each month had an assigned birthstone and that these gems had healing and protective abilities Today, birthstones are widely used not only for their healing and protective powers but also as fashion statements.
Astrologers believe that these birthstones are a physical manifestation of cosmic alignments. The profound connection between birthstones and Astrology provides substantial insight into a person’s nature. Every gemstone represents the energy of the planetary rulers of each Zodiac.
Virgo Zodiac Sign
Every sign in Astrology has an assigned birthstone. These birthstones are meant to attract good luck and provide protection. Aside from good luck and protection, your birthstone reflects your traits and qualities. Each birthstone releases a frequency that aligns with each sign’s mental, spiritual, and emotional
Virgo, the maiden, gives off a summery warm vibe. Earth signs, especially Virgo are the people you go to when you need help because they have an inclination to help other people and make the world a better place. Virgos are born on August 23 to September 22. In Astrology, it is the sixth sign of the Zodiacs. Virgo’s ruler is Mercury which influences their service towards others. They are service-oriented individuals who feel fulfilled in helping and supporting other people. Virgos are also critical thinkers – they have an innate need to be logical and analytical. Because of their desire to make things right, Virgos are also attentive to tiny details. You can say that they are meticulous thus they excel in tasks such as analytical work, quality control, or craftsmanship.

In Astrology, there are a number of gems that correspond to the Zodiac Virgo. Virgo birthstones are gems that exude grounding, healing, service towards others, and perfection. All these are qualities similar to the Zodiac Virgo.
Virgo Birthstone: Sapphire
The Blue Sapphire resonates the most with Virgo among all the Virgo birthstones. In Vedic astrology, Sapphires are also called Neelam. Even before, people admired this gem not only because of its beauty but also because of its Astrological significance.
Sapphre’s color ranges from deep blue to violet blue. But the most sought-after and most valuable color is the rich, pure blue. Aside from its attractive color, many adore the Blue Sapphires because it is one of the hardest gemstones. It has a rating of 9 on the Mohs sale. These are some of the reasons why Blue Sapphires are the perfect addition to your jewelry pieces.
Sapphire also has metaphysical properties. The blue stone is also called the wisdom stone which stimulates concentration, enhances creativity, and promotes deep thought. In the Middle Ages, Kings and Queens often wore Blue Sapphires to attract wealth and protection. They claim that Sapphires purge negative emotions and anxiety, bringing prosperity, calm, and peace of mind.
Before the 20th century, Sapphire was April’s birthstone. But in 1912, jewelers discovered Sapphire resonated more with Virgo – making it September’s birthstone. Additionally, Sapphire is the traditional 45th-year anniversary gift.
Significance and Connection to Virgo
What is Sapphire’s significance as the Virgo birthstone? Well, to start with, Virgos portrays selflessness, knowledge, and honesty. Virgo’s desire for precision, creativity, and intellectual pursuits resonate with the Blue Sapphire’s physical and metaphysical properties. When worn or used by Virgos, Sapphire calms and soothes them. Sapphire and Virgo’s frequency helps alleviate stress and promote healing and balance.
In terms of spirituality, Sapphires can aid Virgos in connecting with their higher self. Birthstones are essential in our spiritual journey. For Virgos, Sapphire activates the throat and third eye chakras which enhances inner wisdom and spiritual insights. The third eye chakra gets stimulated with the deep blue color of Sapphires. Tapping into the third eye chakra enhances intuition and inner vision. Activating the third eye chakra with the Blue Sapphire helps heighten your spiritual awareness.
While Sapphires are nice to look at, Sapphire’s reputation for their metaphysical and spiritual powers is undisputed.
Other Birthstones
Although Sapphire is the primary birthstone for Virgo, there are other gems that resonate with Virgo. These gems have distinct properties and qualities that align with the traits and energies of Virgo individuals. Here’s your guide to Virgo birthstones.
Carnelian: Vitality Stone
Carnelian came from the Latin word Carnis because the stone resembles the flesh or the Cornel fruit. This reddish-orange gemstone has the largest deposits in Western India. The most prized Carnelians are the warm oranges and vibrant reds.
Carnelian is a birthstone of Virgo. Similar to Virgos, Carnelian exudes a warmth that promotes vitality and fertility. The Egyptian goddess Isis blessed Carnelian to be the “Fertility Stone”. Carnelian also emits a feminine energy that is comparable to that of the Virgo maiden. So if you are a Virgo who wants to conceive, this beautiful gemstone is for you. Cornelian is also the perfect stone if you want to start a family since it channels closeness, pleasure, and love for family.

If you are a Virgo who wants to tap into their inner child, then Carnelian is for you. Carnelian allows you to assess your current situation by taking a step back and allowing your younger self to see where you are right now. Doing this encourages emotional healing and holistic growth.
Blue Topaz: Communication Stone

Blue Topaz is a versatile Virgo birthstone that complements the traits and qualities of Virgos. Although it is not Virgo’s primary birthstone, Blue Topaz is meaningful and significant for Virgo individuals.
Virgos are very confident in expressing themselves and communicating their thoughts and emotions. They are not afraid to be different if it means they can express themselves. Blue Topaz’s properties bring a sense of strength and confidence to Virgos. This gemstone facilitates the expression of ideas and thoughts which contributes to clear and effective communication.
Blue Topaz as a birthstone for Virgos utilizes the third eye chakra and throat chakra. The alignment of these two chakras helps in your emotional, spiritual, and physical balance. Blue Topaz enhances your inner peace and clears your spiritual path.
The serene blue hues of the Blue Topaz enhance creativity. This is particularly helpful for Virgos in the creative field especially those who are experiencing writer’s block. Blue Topaz is an effective birthstone for Virgos in terms of creativity and communication.
Amethyst: Spiritual Growth Stone
If you are a Virgo who is under a lot of stress and pressure, Amethyst is the birthstone for you. This deep purple gem is not only appealing to the eye but also has metaphysical and healing properties. In general, Amethyst enhances intuition and spiritual awareness hence called the spiritual growth stone.

The crown chakra shares the energy of the Amethyst. Crown chakra relates to spirituality, higher consciousness, and enlightenment. Using Amethysts in meditation helps Virgos connect to their spirituality, consciousness, and inner wisdom. This gemstone influences mental focus which allows them to make the right decision.
Amethysts can also provide protection for their owners. There are times when stress and negativity come your way, thanks to Amethysts they can protect you from these harmful influences. While it does not have scientific proof, some claim that Amethysts offer physical healing. An Amethyst placed under the pillow can improve sleep quality. If you want recovery from unhealthy habits, Amethysts can also help you overcome these.
Citrine: Abundance Stone

If you are a Virgo who’s fond of manifesting, hold the Citrine during your manifestation. When you do, you’ll be welcoming abundance. Citrine attracts positivity, prosperity, and new opportunities for growth.
Sometimes, people refer to Citrine as the Merchant’s Stone or Success Stone. This vibrant stone attracts a positive energy that creates a positive mindset. You can use Citrine during your meditation because this gem actually improves your ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
Citrine’s golden yellow color is a symbol of logic and intellect. This crystal regulates Virgo’s ego and confidence, which is crucial for using their abilities the right way. Citrine has the power to release Virgo’s grip on their ego. It is very helpful in dealing with practical everyday problems. Citrine brings positive vibrations and brings in good energy to its owner.
Taking care of your gems
Cleansing and energizing
Like people, your gems also need cleaning and recharging. Over time, your crystals will accumulate negative or stagnant energy. Cleaning them ensures that the unwanted negative energy leaves the crystal and makes it pure. Purifying the stone enables the stone to receive new positive energy.
Make sure that you know your birthstones well before you cleanse and recharge them. Not all crystals are alike. Some crystals only need washing while some need other crystals for purification. While you do these, connect with your birthstone so that both of you will resonate the same energy.
Storing the Gems
It is important to store your birthstones properly. This maintains the physical and metaphysical properties of your crystals. Be gentle when handling your birthstones, some of them are prone to chipping.
After cleaning your crystals, make sure they are dry before wrapping them in a piece of clean cloth. Avoid putting multiple stones in one pouch because it may cause abrasions. If you wish to display your birthstones, keep them away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight damages some crystals and fades their colors.
Keep in mind that storing crystals should reflect your needs and preferences. You can personalize how you want to store your birthstones. But always remember to handle your crystals with care and respect to preserve their beauty and vitality.
Birthstones as pieces of jewelry
Incorporating Virgo birthstones in your pieces of jewelry is one of the best methods to use your gems every day. Birthstones in jewelry pieces add a touch of elegance and carry sentimental meaning. If you want to wear these gems are jewelry, make sure to place them in the energy center of your chakra. For example, incorporate the Blue Topaz in your necklace because it has a link to the throat chakra.

Jewelry with astrological themes is currently quite trendy. If you want to keep up with the trend while utilizing the power that the birthstones release, try it. Incorporating birthstones is a beautiful way to commemorate your birth and bring protection and good luck.
Birthstones are more than stones and crystals. They hold a deeper meaning and symbolism. Your birthstones are your companions in your spiritual journey. When you find the birthstone that resonates with your character and purpose, take care of it. Cherish your Virgo birthstone and you’ll have a deep connection to the universe.