Having a long-term and loving relationship is a goal that almost everyone wants to achieve. For those people who are still in their quest to find it, there’s nothing more helpful than synastry astrology itself!
Like love, though, synastry astrology can be a bit complicated. Nonetheless, it still is a fascinating topic that aims to help people find the love that they deserve.
But what is synastry astrology? And how can a person harness it to make their love lives work? Read on to find out?
What is synastry astrology?

In a nutshell, synastry astrology concerns itself with human relationships and the possibilities of it working out. It isn’t all about love relationships, though. Instead, it recognizes all relationships that people have in their lifetime.
Granted, Zodiac compatibility does exist, with many people more familiar with its quirks. However, synastry astrology considers every part of a person’s birth chart, and that with another to see the whole picture.
After determining the placements that a person has, then comparing it with another’s can an astrologer ascertain the level of compatibility that two people have. However, the level of compatibility does not guarantee that the said relationship is sure to last or fail.
What synastry astrology indeed does is try to see the divine prospects and not impose itself on people who are genuinely willing to make their relationships work. If people would still want to insist on keeping their relationship even though their charts don’t line up well, they can use synastry to help each other improve the parts of themselves that don’t coincide well.
What are the things to look out for in synastry astrology?
Short answer: too many. Long answer: These celestial bodies’ interactions can determine what you need to keep your eyes peeled for.
We will be dividing this article on synastry astrology into two parts. The first part will focus on the basic concepts you should look out for, while the second will present all the interactions between birth charts.
What are the significant concepts in synastry astrology?
Everyone knows that Venus is the Roman goddess of love and attraction. As a planet, she rules over human feelings and could either guide or muddle our hearts and brains as we wrestle with how we feel towards others.
By measuring a person’s Venus relative to the anothers’ planetary placements, one can then fully discover what is in store in their relationship. Synastry astrology can also give an insight into how a person will handle their lover, despite everything.
A conjunction is when two opposing energies blend. Think of it as the synergy between two planets that intensifies each others’ powers!
The catch here is that conjunctions between two planets do not necessarily mean that things will go well. Sometimes, when two planets conjunct, they polarize each other to the point that nothing can ever go right.
This concept derives from the distance between two planets that are about 60 degrees apart. Sextiles usually happen between planets that carry opposing elements, making the experience a bit more fun, fresh, and a bit on the flirty side of things.
But sextiles do not bring with them the same amount of force that conjunction has. Instead, it’s more of the “go with the flow” kind, allowing people to take a breather between all the chaotic emotional drama in their lives.
Among all of the combinations, the trine is the most powerful, potent and brings with it positive energy. When planets of the same element form a 120-degree angle on a birth chart, it enhances all the good parts that a person hopes for in whatever situation they are in.
Yet, the reassurance of nothing but positivity prompts those with trines to procrastinate on their work. It is then necessary to remember that while the heavens provide, it is essential that a person work to become deserving of the blessings it entails.
A square has the aura of being imposing, unmoving, and sharp. When planets “square off,” so to speak, they are 90 degrees apart, indicating tension and insistence on one of the planets imposing itself on the other.
Nevertheless, a bit of work here and there can help this tension and make things work. The energies may be a bit rough around the edges, but there is space for everyone involved to resolve any more conflicts.
As the name suggests, this is when planets are directly opposing one another at a 180-degree angle. Whenever this happens, they have a hard time coming together and having a peaceful union.
Despite this difficulty, these planets still have the potential to make things work, no matter what. Striking a balance between their differences can help achieve a successful relationship- after all, opposites attract.
How can I apply these concepts in synastry astrology?
As said, synastry astrology compares the planetary placements of two people to determine their compatibility. After producing two individuals’ birth charts, an astrologer would usually put one on top of the other and start measuring the angular placements.
This section will not be as detailed, though. It would only skim through the essential aspects of synastry astrology and their general applications.
For more extensive reading, we suggest that you consult a professional astrologer. Many of them are offering their services online, so you can book an appointment for times when you are free.
Here are the interactions that you should keep in mind when doing synastry astrology readings:
Venus-Sun Aspects
When these two planets are conjunct, it usually tells of a relationship founded on commitment, contentment, and synergy. No matter how small or big a person’s quirk is, the other would find it as a reason to fall in love even more with their partner.
The partnership of two individuals finds itself firmly rooted in respect and understanding. Though not necessarily a reason for them to come together in a romantic relationship, they place a premium on each others’ presence and sincerely appreciate their companionship.
The relationship between the individuals is just like that of a Venus-Sun conjunction- but intensified. There is nothing more important to them than to make their partner feel loved, accepted, and understood.
This relationship can be dramatic at times, especially when it involves favors, money, and obligation. They may even find themselves as if in a contest with each other who gets to give more and eventually disappoint each other when expectations are not met!
Being direct with their feelings is something that a Venus-Sun opposition outright refuses to do. Unlike a square, though, this partnership is not as problematic, and there is a mutual, if not hidden, sense of understanding between these two.
Venus-Moon Aspects

Tensions between people of this placement don’t last long. If anything, it’s only passing, and they can reach a mutual agreement and find the compromises fair for all parties involved.
While being in a serious relationship isn’t really on the table for people with this placement, a sense of genuine concern and affection exists between them. They are also good at reaching agreements because of their deep understanding and emotional connection.
The people with a trine in their Venus and Moon are perfect partners. There is a sense of security and assurance that only the two of them can provide each other. Their creativity and sociability will also reinforce each other and help them achieve the finer things in life.
Being indulgent in one’s wants and desires can cause strain in this relationship. Because these individuals value their wishes more than they do with their needs, tensions from their opposing desires will arise.
Affection and respect are present in this partnership. Despite this, difficulty abounds this relationship because of misunderstandings and unwillingness to compromise when it comes to decisions.
Venus-Mercury Aspects
Communication in this relationship can be quite a challenge, as it can go both ways: awkward and unwanted, or too comfortable to the point of breaking personal space. Nevertheless, common ground can be easily found between these individuals, creating a complementary relationship in all aspects.
Ideas and creativity flow in this partnership. Understanding others’ needs is a common feature in this relationship and creates a highly imaginative and intellectual combo.
Openness and honesty is the dominant feature in this relationship. Positive reinforcement will also be a common theme, considering how people in this relationship are highly intellectual and are achievers.
Rather than cause distress to both parties, a Venus-Mercury square would prompt mental stimulation to the individuals involved. Unfortunately, debates are quite common here, making this aspect a double-edged sword.
Being too intellectual might be the cause of conflict in this relationship. Being too rational may strike one person as cold and unfeeling. It is essential that a sense of idealism and romanticism is present to keep this relationship going.
Venus-Venus Aspects
The people in this relationship are very similar. Their love language is almost the same, and they give importance to the presence of actual chemistry with one another.
A basic understanding and willingness to cooperate characterizes this partnership. A mutual appreciation for each others’ tastes is fundamental in keeping this relationship going strong.
Harmony and comfort are the top two things expected from this match. They’re so similar that they just seem too perfect for one another. Decision-making won’t also be that hard, considering that they can almost make their minds up together.
Having a different love language, tastes in certain things, among others, can spell disaster. When making decisions, the individuals’ opinions are so diverse that they can make things unnecessarily complicated.
Finding satisfaction for these people can be quite complicated, considering that their needs and wants are different. Even their manner of expressing themselves may differ, deepening an already obvious-looking rift.
Venus-Mars Aspects

The attraction is mutual in this relationship. There is an interchange of feelings prompting for this relationship to go for the long term.
Fun and flirty interactions are the norms for this partnership. Though it won’t necessarily be the kind of relationship that one would keep for long, the bond will always be present.
An appreciation of their partner is characteristic of this relationship. Their intense chemistry allows them to blend in an almost perfect way- yet it can also cause them to find faults through discovering each others’ flaws.
A constant battle for dominance is expected, along with peoples’ conflicting feelings towards each other. Petty fights between the two are common, most especially over jealousy and mutual possessiveness.
The attraction between these individuals is almost irresistible. However, while they are mutually drawn to one another, a sense of jealousy is undeniable in their relationship, making compromises challenging to reach, and even maintaining a peaceful relationship is a challenge in itself.
Venus-Jupiter Aspects
Having a good time and enjoying each others’ company is characteristic of this partnership. A deep sense of warmth and understanding is continuously present, along with a mutual desire to give back for the kindness and generosity they receive from one another.
These people can easily trust each other as if they have known one another their entire lives. There is a mutual want to make each other happy, and this relationship flourishes more than any other.
Those who have this kind of relationship find deep kinship with the person they are with. They find happiness and content in each others’ presence, and together, they find ways to help each other broaden their horizons in the best manner possible.
A feeling of desire is natural here, along with an intuitive sense that there is a potential for the relationship to last long. Unfortunately, giving is not seen as a pleasure but rather a duty and may strain the partnership.
The “honeymoon period” in this relationship can last for a very long time. Unfortunately, as time progresses, the expectations go higher and may potentially cause trust to crumble down easily.
Venus-Saturn Aspects
Loyalty, commitment, and duty towards each other is the name of the game. People in this relationship know that they will only flourish if they keep their connection with each other. However, it may reach the point where they could become controlling of one another.
A sense of mutual dependence is dominant in this partnership, along with a devotion to remaining loyal and faithful to one another. Thus, maintaining a long-term relationship with people with these placements is relatively easy.
Romance may not be the dominant feature in this relationship, yet the sense of commitment is still there. The people in this partnership will indeed strive to be reliable and be as serious as possible in maintaining its stability.
Things may go smoothly at first, but the changing relationship dynamic may pose a challenge when it comes to decision making. Emotional manipulation may then come out as a result.
Things are basically like the squared aspect… but worse. It may even come to a point where everything that one prefers, the other will contradict. This will spell chaos and loathing for one another.
Attraction at the first meeting is common for people with this placement. Yet, the relationship will not strengthen should this be the sole basis of everything and instead be the reason for its destruction.
Mutual support for each others’ interests is what keeps this relationship going. A deep appreciation for the things that make both parties alive makes their partnership lively.
These two people may have so many different preferences and quirks, but these things that help them find unity and harmony. They can bring out each others’ creative side and are very open in whatever they have in mind about each other.
The attraction will be strong between these people, yet there is an unwillingness to entirely commit oneself to the relationship. Inconsistencies are also rife, leading to even more conflict.
Similar problems as that of the square plague those with this placement. There is a sense of distance between these two that seems hard to breach, along with the inconsistencies that plague these individuals.
Venus-Neptune Aspects
Romance is what truly brings these people together. It would seem like everything has come into place for both of them. However, as they get to each other even more, they may find it challenging to grapple with each others’ true identity.
Tolerance is what characterizes this union. Rather than bask in each others’ faults and shortcomings, they would rather overlook these and focus more on the person’s “good side.”
Acceptance is what brings these people together. Their idealisms on what makes love, along with their deep spiritual connection, make this relationship last long.
The idealism that rules between those in this placement will be the cause of their partnership’s destruction. Mistrust will reign, causing conflicts that a simple talk cannot quickly mediate.
This relationship is an emotional mess. Promises will go unfulfilled, and it would seem that these individuals would continue living in their delusion that everything will go right when it won’t because of their stubbornness to see the truth.
Venus-Pluto Aspects
Intrigue and curiosity are the things that will pull these two together. Emotions will run high, leading to a deep and profound relationship. Unfortunately, it may lead them to become very possessive to the point of control.
Attraction and emotional fulfillment are what keeps the relationship going, regardless of what happens. It can be borderline obsessive but loving, nonetheless.
Holistic growth is sure to happen to those with this placement. These individuals find solace in one another and help each other tapped into their inner potentials and find a reliable source of support, even during the most challenging situations.
Conflicts between what they truly feel with one another are typical between these people. They may appear to hate each other yet are, in truth, fearful of losing each others’ attention due to their petty disputes.
Unrequited love is the worst thing that could ever happen for those with this placement. Toxic traits such as manipulation and assertion of dominance over the other will be the focal point of conflicts that will go their way.