Lunar Nodes and You: Your Soul and Your Purpose In Life

lunar nodes
EpiscophagusCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Thanks to the latest developments in social media, more and more people are looking deeper into astrology. While sun signs and daily horoscopes are still significant parts of astrology, it’s becoming clear to people that there’s more to astrology than what your sun tells you about your personality. People look into their lunar signs and ascendant signs and are starting to pay closer attention to other celestial bodies and formulas, like lunar nodes.

What Are The Lunar Nodes

Lunar nodes are a mathematical entity that appears as a horseshoe shape that you can find on your chart. While they aren’t as real as the planets and the stars, their existence and positioning are just as important. 

Note that they always lie opposite each other in both symbolism and position in your chart.

But more so than their technical definition, they represent your purpose in life. They answer the question of who you are and who you can be. Looking deeper, they also represent what you are comfortable with and what you can overcome.

If ever you find yourself stuck, you can look to the lunar nodes in astrology to provide guidance.

How do I Find My Lunar Nodes

It’s quite easy to learn how to find your lunar nodes. You just have to look at your birth date and see which range it falls into. However, since period retrogrades are a thing, you may want to look into specialized calculators.

These date ranges follow the South Node / North Node format.

Aries / Libra 

  • Feb 8, 1921 – Aug 22, 1922
  • Jan 1, 1940 – May 24, 1941 
  • Jun 17, 1958 – Dec 15, 1959
  • Jan 8, 1977 – Jul 5, 1978 
  • Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997 
  • Feb 19, 2014 – Nov 11, 2015
  • Oct 15, 2032 – May 22, 2032

Taurus / Scorpio 

  • Aug 16, 1919 – Feb 7, 1921 
  • Mar 4, 1938 – Sept 11, 1939 
  • Oct 5, 1956 – Jun 16, 1958 
  • Jul 10, 1975 – Jan 7, 1977 
  • Feb 2, 1994 – Jul 31, 1995 
  • Aug 30, 2012 – Feb 18, 2014 
  • Mar 21, 2031 – Oct 14, 2032

Gemini / Sagittarius 

  • Feb 14, 1918 – Aug 15, 1919
  • Sep 14, 1936 – Mar 3, 1938 
  • Apr 3, 1955 – Oct 4, 1956 
  • Oct 28, 1973 – Jul 9, 1975
  • Aug 2, 1992 – Feb 1, 1994 
  • Mar 4, 2011 – Aug 29, 2012
  • Sep 24, 2029 – Mar 20, 2031

Cancer / Capricorn

  • May 31, 1916 – Feb 13, 1918
  • Mar 9, 1935 – Sep 13 1936 
  • Feb Oct 10, 1953 – Apr 2, 1955 
  • Apr 28, 1972 – Oct 27, 1973
  • Nov 19, 1990 – Aug 1, 1992
  • Aug 22, 2009 – Mar 3, 2011
  • Mar 27, 2028 – Sep 23, 2029

Leo / Aquarius 

  • Jun 25, 1933 – Mar 8, 1935 
  • Mar 29, 1952 – Oct 9, 1953 
  • Nov 3, 1970 – Apr 27, 1972 
  • May 23, 1989 – Nov 18, 1990 
  • Dec 19, 2007 – Aug 21, 2009 
  • Jul 27, 2026 – Mar 26, 2028

Virgo / Pisces

  • Dec 29, 1931 – Jun 24, 1933
  • Jul 27, 1950 – Mar 28, 1952
  • Apr 20, 1969 – Nov 2, 1970
  • Dec 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989 
  • Jun 23, 2006 – Dec 18, 2007
  • Jan 12, 2025 – July 26, 2026

Libra /Aries

  • Jul 8, 1930 – Dec 28, 1931 
  • Jan 27, 1949 – Jul 26, 1950 
  • Aug 20, 1967 – Apr 19, 1969
  • Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987
  • Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006
  • July 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025

Scorpio / Taurus

  • Dec 29, 1928 – Jul 7, 1930
  • Aug 3, 1947 – Jan 26, 1949
  • Feb 20, 1966 – Aug 19, 1967
  • Sep 12, 1984 – Apr 6, 1986
  • Apr 15, 2003 – Dec 26, 2004
  • January 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023

Sagittarius /Gemini

  • April 17, 1927 – Dec 28, 1928 
  • Dec 4, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947 
  • Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966
  • Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984
  • Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003
  • May 6, 2020 – Jan 18, 2022

Capricorn / Cancer

  • Oct 27, 1925 – Apr 16, 1927 
  • May 12, 1944 – Dec 3, 1945 
  • Dec 24, 1962 – Aug 25, 1964
  • Sep 25, 1981 – Mar 16, 1983
  • Apr 10, 2000 – Oct 13, 2001
  • Nov 7, 2018 – May 5, 2020

Aquarius / Leo

  • Apr 23, 1924 – Oct 26, 1925
  • Nov 22, 1942 – May 11, 1944
  • Jun 11, 1961 – Dec 23, 1962
  • Jan 6, 1980 – Sep 24, 1981
  • Oct 21, 1998– Apr 10, 2000 
  • May 10, 2017 – Nov 6, 2018

Pisces / Virgo

feminine zodiac sign - pisces
  • Aug 23, 1922 – Apr 22, 1924 
  • May 25, 1941 – Nov 21, 1942 
  • Dec 16, 1959 – Jun 10, 1961 
  • Jul 6, 1978 – Jan 5, 1980 
  • Jan 26, 1997 – Oct 20, 1998 
  • Nov 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017

What is the South Node?

The south node represents the past. Specifically, this node shows your roots in your present life. Not only that, but it also delivers insight into your past lives. Whether or not you believe in past lives, this node also shows you your comfort zones. The things you see here are the things that bring you joy. Through this node, you can see your natural talents and what you find easy to do. 

This lunar node shows you your boons and your blessings. But dwelling only on matters the south node touches upon means that you never face any challenges. Without difficulty and strife, you do not learn anything, and you do not progress as a person. Remember that the south node also shows you the things that were useful in the past. But while they were helpful, you will need to let them go to grow as a person. 

What is the North Node?

The north node is exactly opposite the south node in both symbolism and position. On the one hand, the south node speaks of comfort and complacency. While on the other hand, this lunar node looks to challenges and progress. 

In keeping with the theme, the north node looks to the future. It speaks of your potential and the destiny that awaits you if you only work hard enough. With this node, you can tell what your purpose is.

It may feel difficult at first to try and align yourself with this node. You need to actively step out of your comfort zone to grow. But it’s so easy to just stay comfy and chill. 

However, once you step towards your goals, you will start to feel the fulfillment of progress. This node houses the things that will challenge you and hurt you. But it will ultimately mold you into being a better person.

The Role of Houses in the Lunar Nodes

The houses are not as drastically significant as the sign your nodes reside in. However, they provide more detail and nuance to the messages of your nodes.

First House: Awareness of Self 

This house asks, “Who am I?”

Deals with: personal appearances and outward personalities.

Second House: Personal Resources

This house asks, “What do I have?”

Deals with: skills, possessions, values, and money.

Third House: Immediate Surroundings

Third House Immediate Surroundings

This house asks, “What is around me?”

Deals with: learning, communications, and mental acuity.

Fourth House: Inner World

This house asks, “What is within me?”

Deals with: family, safety, home, parents

Fifth House: Personal Creativity

This house asks, “What do I want to say?”

Deals with: fun, creativity, childhood, romance

Sixth House: Day-to-day Life

This house asks, “What do I do?”

Deals with: service, self-improvement, health, work

Seventh House: Awareness of Others 

This house asks, “Who is around me?”

Deals with: partnerships, marriage

Eighth House: Shared Resources

This house asks, “What do we have?”

Deals with: sharing, letting go, death, sex, others’ possesions

Ninth House: Expanded Horizons

This house asks, “What else is there?”

Deals with: travel, law, philosophy, religion, education

Tenth House: Outer World

This house asks, “What is the bigger picture?”

Deals with: career, reputation, personal vocation, status, power

Eleventh House: Group Contributions

This house asks, “What can we do?”

Deals with: aspirations, groups, goals, friends

Twelfth House: Spiritual Endeavors

This house asks, “What is beyond me?”

Deals with: institutions, transcendence, solitude

What You Need To Let Go Of (South Node)

You need to let go of these things if your south node is in…


  • impulses
  • Overdependence on yourself
  • Childishness
  • overzealousness


  • Holding grudges
  • Stubbornness
  • Overindulgence
  • materialism


  • Being two-faced
  • Gossiping
  • Inconsistency
  • Being wishy-washy


  • Passivity
  • Bitterness
  • Being overly sensitive
  • Codependency on others


  • Overreacting
  • Being narcissistic
  • Indulging in drama
  • Constantly looking for approval


  • Failing to delegate
  • Being vengeful
  • Ignoring your intuition
  • Overcomplicating things


  • Codependency
  • Using relationships as a crutch
  • Being a doormat
  • Sacrificing yourself too much


  • Hiding your true feelings
  • Resentment
  • Manipulating others
  • Pessimism


  • Erratic attitude
  • Lack of control
  • Arrogance and vanity
  • Speaking tactlessly


zodiac sign capricorn
  • Ignoring emotions
  • Caring too much about hierarchy
  • Being emotionally distant
  • Being fatalistic


  • Caring too much about others’ opinions
  • People-pleasing
  • Living without passion
  • Lack of commitment


  • Denial
  • Escapism
  • Flights of fancy
  • Hiding away emotions

What You Need To Work Towards (North Node)

You need to work towards these things if your south node is in…


  • Passion
  • Dedication
  • Leading others
  • Justice


  • Routine
  • Elegance
  • Being insightful
  • Simplicity


  • Being friendlier
  • Finding joy
  • Hobbies and passions
  • Being more approachable


  • Caring for yourself
  • Responsibility
  • Being affectionate
  • Caring for others


  • Embracing your desires
  • Objectivity
  • Friendships
  • Caring about other people


  • Being accountable
  • Caring about feelings
  • Being Observant
  • Improving your skills


  • Self-care
  • Diplomacy
  • Gaining perspective
  • Gentleness


  • Appreciation
  • Emotions
  • Spirituality
  • Intuition


  • Adventure
  • Cleverness and wit
  • Creativity
  • Uniqueness


  • Diligence
  • Observance
  • Organization
  • Lifting up others


  • Generosity
  • Attentiveness
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Vigilance


  • Trusting your intuition
  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Thoughtfully processing emotions

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