Jupiter, king of the gods, largest planet in our solar system and celestial body of Astrological significance! Scorpio, a water sign famous as the dark, mysterious and dangerous arachnid of the zodiac! Two big names in the zodiac, with even bigger personalities to match their reputation. But what is it that happens when these two cosmic players collide? What exactly does Jupiter in Scorpio bring about?
Before that, what exactly do we mean when we say that Jupiter is in Scorpio’s orbit? How do two celestial bodies collide – at least in Astrological terms? What happens to Scorpio while Jupiter crosses paths with it? Don’t worry, dear reader – we’re going over all of that in this article. So sit tight and keep reading!
Are you a zodiac aficionado, looking to brush up on your knowledge? Maybe you’re a Scorpio, and want to know how this strange convergence affects you? Perhaps you’re just plain old harmlessly curious? Whatever the case, this is certainly the article for you! So sit back, relax, maybe have a cup of coffee and most importantly have fun!
- Jupiter in Scorpio sign – personality and behavior
- What does Jupiter in Scorpio mean?
- Jupiter in Scorpio Compatibility
- And many more…
Jupiter in Scorpio Meaning and Significance
What exactly does it mean when we say that Jupiter is in Scorpio? Both Scorpio and Jupiter are cosmic players in the celestial dance of Astrology. As such, they both take up specific places in the heavens. When Jupiter quite literally enters the orbit of Scorpio – when they occupy the same space and converge – that’s when we say that Jupiter is in Scorpio. So, that being covered, what can we expect happens to Scorpio while Jupiter is in its orbit?
Before that, let’s go over a quick refresher course on both to give us a clearer picture of how they interact. Scorpio is a water sign that governs the period from October 24 to November 21. Having the symbol of the Scorpion and a god of death Pluto as their planetary ruler, Astrology points to this sign’s dangerous and vengeful nature. Scorpio is a secretive, manipulative, sexual, dark and emotional creature. They keep to themselves and put up emotional walls, but if you can get close to one you know they are undyingly loyal and caring.
Jupiter is the king of the gods in classic mythology – and in fact is the largest planet in our solar system. In Astrology, Jupiter has associations with law, growth, expansion and leadership. With all this being said, does Scorpio blend well together with Jupiter? Or are they incompatible – the period where the two intersect a stressful time for the zodiac’s scorpion. Let’s find out – we’re going over all the personality changes and compatibility between Scorpio and Jupiter below!
Scorpio Jupiter Personality Traits
So, what is Scorpio like when Jupiter crosses paths with it? We wouldn’t say that Scorpio and Jupiter are incompatible. No, it’s not as though the arachnid of the zodiac stresses out about the pairing. It’s more like everyone around them doesn’t like it!
The combination of Scorpio and Jupiter makes for a rather stressful period for everyone in their circle. This is because of how Jupiter ‘brings Scorpio out of its shell’. Scorpio, while dangerous and vindictive, is at least subdued and keeps mostly to themselves. Jupiter however, brings out a more assertive, proactive and interactive Scorpio.
Ambition is a dangerous tool in the mind of a Scorpio – who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. It’s probably a good idea to stay out of their way! Scorpio usually just wants emotional peace and security for themselves and their loved ones. But Jupiter makes them lust for more things!

During this time the withdrawn Scorpio is also more outgoing, an excellent communicator and quite sophisticated in their manner. What other traits does Jupiter bring out in Scorpio? Which traits become more exaggerated, more subdued – and does Scorpio have any new traits as a result of the union? We’ll go over each and every trait to expect from the pairing below!
Hold on, didn’t we just say that Scorpio becomes more outgoing and assertive with Jupiter? They do – there’s no error or redundancy here dear reader, we assure you. Let us explain: Scorpio becomes more outgoing and aggressive in going after what they want. But exactly what it is that they want, their new ambition, is unknown to anyone but them. Scorpio might have taken the limelight, but whatever their after is still something they keep close to their chest!
What motivates Scorpio in their day-to-day lives? As a water sign, this is unsurprisingly their own emotions. Even their vengeful nature is entirely driven by how angry they are. They’re not interested in what is ‘fair’ like Libra is. Once the anger fades so too does their interest in getting ‘even’ – meaning they could go much farther in dealing out revenge for what was originally done to them!
But while Jupiter is in their orbit, Scorpio becomes much more driven! They become obsessed, almost possessed with going after what they want. Even after the original emotional spark and inspiration has left them. During this time, Scorpio should chase after their goals. Because this is the best time for it, with their motivation at an all-time high!

The reason Scorpio can get away with their abrasive and aggressive nature during this nature is their raw charm. Scorpio has always been sexually charged and magnetic with attraction. But Jupiter kicks this up a notch with all the skills of a natural leader. Confident, communicative and powerful, Scorpio’s attractiveness reaches new heights during this period. A real showstopper!
Vindictive and vengeful by nature, Scorpio also has a habit of being a possessive and protective person. During this period, when their ambition runs wild, Scorpio becomes resentful of others. Specifically, of people on the same road as them. It’s one of the least likable traits the union of Jupiter and Scorpio suffers from. Their raw jealousy of everyone else’s achievements.
Perhaps part of their resentful nature comes from their arrogance. Scorpio has always put themselves first – their own emotional, physical and spiritual needs over those around them. When combined with Jupiter’s prideful and grandiose nature, this translates into sheer arrogance on their part. Scorpio believes themselves totally capable of achieving the goals they set out to go after during this period. While self-confidence isn’t a bad thing, Scorpio is a little extreme and tends to get themselves and others hurt!
As we said, Scorpio has always had themselves as the first priority in everything. This doesn’t change when Jupiter enters their orbit. If anything, they’re more dangerous as their goals expand from beyond their own comfort and towards grander ambitions. Don’t stand in Scorpio’s way. You don’t know what they’ll do to succeed during this period, and it’s smarter not to give into that curiosity!
Do you know how we said they’ll do anything to get what they want? Scorpio, a natural charmer and especially diplomatic during this period thanks to Jupiter, is downright machiavellian. A master manipulator finding their wings thanks to Jupiter, Scorpio will use people to get what they want if push comes to shove. It may turn out as their greatest weakness however. Scorpio needs to recognize that the people around you can help you reach your goals, possibly even more so if you don’t mistreat them!
Introspective by nature, Scorpio has always been a creature of the mind. But usually they allocate this mental capacity towards emotional and spiritual ends. With Jupiter’s touch of ambitious inspiration however, Scorpio taps into the vast intelligence locked within their own minds. They become visionaries, inventors and truly marvelous thinkers. This is the time for Scorpio to shine.
Specifically, Scorpio finds its mental energies leaning towards matters of business and money. As such, this sign makes for a great financial advisor, accountant or entrepreneur. Especially due to their secretive yet charming nature. With the union of Jupiter and Scorpio comes a heart of ambition, a mind of business and a hand of gold! A true Midas touch blesses the arachnid of the zodiac during this time.

Jupiter in Scorpio Man
Scorpio men during this period are quite frightening creatures. Jupiter brings out the violent temper in Scorpio with aggressive and assertive tendencies. They are both verbally and even physically violent if push comes to shove. Scorpio men need a partner that will calm and care for them, physically and emotionally. Taurus women are great partners for Scorpio, especially during this time.
Jupiter in Scorpio Woman
Women Scorpios during this period are emotionally supercharged creatures. They can make you feel powerful, passionate bursts of love or lust. At the same time, they themselves become lost in a whirlwind of emotions. These women are also overcome with confidence, and can push through any ordeal they may face. While this is well and good, they need to temper their feelings lest they lose themselves.
Jupiter in Scorpio Natal
When we say that a Scorpio is natally Jupiter, what does that mean? We mean that these Scorpios were born while Jupiter was in their orbit. While they possess all the traits of other Scorpios during the period of intersection, they also have a few more traits unique to themselves. Scorpios that are natally Jupiter are emotionally powerful, especially driven and impactful in social situations. Moreover, they value a person’s character instead of their achievements.
Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde
On the other hand, what do we mean when we say that Jupiter is in Scorpio retrograde? This means that Jupiter is slowly leaving Scorpio’s zone in its orbit. Their union or interaction is coming to a close. During this period, Scorpio usually feels greatly demotivated and burnt out! Scorpio should finish their goals before this comes to pass, otherwise they may get nothing done as a result.
The Takeaway…
Scorpio and Jupiter make an intense and powerful combination! Jupiter brings out the aggressive and powerful nature hidden inside Scorpio. This is for better and for worse, and usually they become dangerous. Scorpio needs to temper their ambitions and emotions with care and patience. Otherwise, they could find that their goals are impossible to reach!
On the bright side, Scorpio is very charming during this time. They are also vastly intelligent and driven. With the right set of temperance and assertiveness, there’s nothing Scorpio can’t do! Before the coming of the retrograde, Scorpio should use this time to find a fulfilling career and build powerful connections. Moving forward, they must also remember to make time for emotional connections and friends.
That’s everything you’ll need to know about Scorpio and Jupiter when the two collide! We hope you had fun, more than anything else, and would like to leave you with the usual wisdom. If you find that this article doesn’t apply to you, or you feel singled out – don’t. Astrology teaches us that the stars were meant to guide, not control us. At the end of the day you’re still the captain of your own ship and the sole master of your fate.