Feng Shui Wealth Colors That Will Show You The Money

feng shui wealth colors

Do you work really hard? Put on 60-80 hour work weeks but still don’t cut it? Why not give feng shui wealth colors a try? Believe it or not, certain colors are capable of attracting wealth and prosperity in your life!

The trick is knowing which colors to use, which objects, and where to place them for optimum results. Some people love using neutral colors at home because they like the calming effect. The thing is, you’re unknowingly blunting all your manifestations towards money and wealth, which is a bad idea.

So, if you’re dying to get that new job, kickstart your own business, or snag that promotion you so richly deserve, listen up. Energize your manifestations and learn everything you can about using feng shui wealth colors in your own home.

Understanding Feng Shui Wealth and Prosperity Colors

Remember this before you can fully grasp the importance of feng shui wealth and prosperity colors. There’s a need to understand how color affects everyone. What few people realize is that this is an expression of light. It nourishes people because they are light beings.

You might have heard of the saying that each individual is actually a spiritual being enjoying a human experience. This is true. Even if you can see, feel, and hear a human body, the real part of them is their soul. Their soul is actual light energy. It is crucial to nurture this inner light and feng shui wealth and prosperity colors can do just that.

How Feng Shui Wealth Colors Work

You need to use the right kind of colors in the correct areas of your home. This is how you shift the energy and create positive feng shui. By doing this you’re bringing in life and supporting everyone’s well-being inside your home.

Feng shui colors bring certain energies into your home. Whether it’s your finances or your relationships within the family, this is the perfect way to go. Adding colors into your personal space is quite easy, actually. Do this through wallpapers, wall art, furniture, photographs, and even decorative items. Pillows, crystals, and vases are some of the more popular choices.

The Five Elements of Feng Shui

Understanding the five elements is one of the most important aspects of feng shui. There’s a need to understand how these elements affect one’s mind, body, and soul. Of course, know which colors correspond to them and where to place them for optimum results. Remember this for this makes great improvements in your life.


fire element

The fire element represents summer. It’s all about light, heat, and energy. Our fire element brings forth immense passion, energy, and leadership. Not to mention luring sexual desire, love, and intimacy. This also enhances career efforts and recognizes all your achievements.

Note that this element is active, increasing one’s blood pressure and heart rate. Activity promotion greatly helps in reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.

The amazing feng shui colors of the fire element are orange, red, pink, purple, and yellow. Put your fire colors in the South area of your Bagua Map. The Southwest and Northwest benefit greatly from fire energy.

These colors strengthens the following:

– popularity and reputation

– romance and relationships

– wisdom and knowledge.


The earth element signals the end of summer. This signifies nourishment, health, and stability. Use this in your relationship for protection and support. Your inner balance is also improved immensely. Just like mother earth, this energy helps one feel centered and grounded.

Earth feng shui wealth colors are beige, pale yellow, and earthy colors. Put these earth colors in the Southwest and Northeast of your Bagua map and in the center of your house.

These colors strengthen the following:

– love and ties

– wisdom and intellect

– good fortune


This element is the representation of the season of fall. It is the kind of energy that is efficient and precise. The metal element eliminates distractions by inspiring purity, clarity, and focus. Depending on how you use it, it can be rigid or extremely flexible. Either way, it’s really strong.

Metal feng shui colors are white, gray, silver, and gold. Put your colors in the Northwest and West of your Bagua Map. The North area is also benefited.

Metal colors strengthen the following:

– creativity and kids

– journey in life and career

– wanderings and helpful people


water element

The water element represents the winter season. It puts forth easy and calm energy filled with freshness and purity. This also signifies great wealth and abundance.

Energy from this element helps improve one’s meditation, contemplation, and concentration. Everything about your inner work, especially your creativity. Not only that, but it also helps lower your blood pressure and normalizes your heart rate.

These colors include black, blue, and aqua. Put your colors of the water element in the North area of your Bagua Map. The Southeast and East area are also benefited.

Feng shui water colors highly affect the following:

– life journey and career

– health and family

– money and prosperity


The wood element represents the spring season. Thus new beginnings, growth, and vitality are highly expected. Everything is about good health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

This energy is super flexible and strong. You will instantly feel motivated to move on to new chapters in life and improve your future.

Wood feng shui wealth colors include green, brown, purple. Put your wood colors in the Southeast and East of your Bagua Map. It’s also good for the South area.

This color element strengthens the following:

– health and family

– prosperity and good fortune

– popularity and reputation

Assigning Feng Shui Wealth Colors

If you want feng shui colors to attract wealth, you need to know where to put them. You determine this by using the five elements with the Bagua map. One uses a Bagua map to break up a room, home, or building into nine sections. Each of these sections corresponds to a different part of your life. Such depends on the energy contained in these specific areas.




Green, Brown (not pastel colors)

Affluence, Abundance, Wealth, Luxury, Gratitude, Generosity, Enjoyment, Manifestation, Allowing




Orange, Red, Pink, Purple, Yellow

Confidence, Shining Your Light, Attractiveness, Fame, Expansiveness, Reputation




Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors

Pleasure, Sensuality, Receptivity, Relaxation, Giving and Receiving Love, Grounding, Sexuality




Green, Brown (not pastel)

Connection, Health, Releasing Guilt and Blame, Healing Past, Healthy Relationships, Connection to Ancestors




Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors

Balance, Harmony, Wholeness, Feeling Safe, Self- Reflection, Empowerment




Gold, Silver, White, Gray

Playfulness, Inner Child, Spontaneity, Fun, Imagination, New Ideas, Unique Style, Children and Animals




Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors

Solitude, Stillness, Self-Care, Self-Love, Meditation, Reflection, Education and Study




Black, Blue, Aqua

Joy, Authenticity, Career-Related Choices, Pursuing your passion, Honoring Your True Self




White, Gray, Silver, Gold

Good Connections, Giving and Receiving Help, Guidance, Travel, Ease of Technology, Transportation

You need to use this Bagua map in determining which colors and crystals to use in every area in your home, room, or office.

On Using Mixed Colors

When doing feng shui, utilizing mixed colors produces a combination of these energies. This can be used to your highest advantage if you desire to support multiple aspects of your life. Below are examples.


This is a combination of orange, yellow/orange, and red/orange. The majority of this is fire energy having hints of earth. This can be used to produce stability in your passions.


This combines blue (water), red (fire), and white (metal). This helps you feel inspired (red) and focused (white), in your spiritual journey (blue).


This combination consists of blue (water) and green (wood). It aids in contemplation (blue) and life (green). Thus, bringing growth and movement.

Colors and Crystals In Feng Shui

Crystals are not only the more effective ways to utilize feng shui colors, they’re also the easiest. They have their unique healing properties aside from providing a splash of color where you need them. These are some of the crystals based on their colors.



Green, Brown (not pastel)

Tiger’s Eye, Leopardskin Jasper, Bronze, Zebra Jasper, Emerald, Yellow Jasper, Malachite, Serpentine



Orange, Red, Pink, Purple, Yellow

Garnet, Citrine, Goldstone, Rhodonite, Red Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Ametrine, Red Tiger’s Eye, Rose Quartz



Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors\

Leopardskin Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Unakite Jasper, Bronzite, Yellow Quartz



Green, Brown (not pastel)

Tiger’s Eye, Leopardskin Jasper, Bronze, Zebra Jasper, Emerald, Yellow Jasper, Malachite, Serpentine



Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors

Leopardskin Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Yellow Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Bronzite



White, Grey, Silver, Gold

Heated Citirine, Hermatite, Lodolite, Black Jasper, Clear Quartz, Howlite



Beige, Pale Yellow, Sandy Colors

Leopardskin Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Unakite Jasper, Bronzite, Yellow Quartz



Aqua, Black, Blue

Blue Quartz, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Blue Howlite, Black Jasper,

Amazonite, Black Onyx, Blue Goldstone, Labradorite



White, Grey, Silver, Gold

Heated Citrine, Hematite, Lodolite, Black Jasper, Howlite, Clear Quartz

The Best Colors For Your Wallet

The best colors to use for your wallet are based on the elements and the wealth’s lucky colors.

best color for your wallet

Black is one of the best colors to have for your wallet. This is a representation of the water element, feeding the wood element. Which happens to be the element of wealth. It also stands for depth and power. The color black supports you in your business and career advancement. Such plays a big role in promoting wealth and prosperity for you.

Another great color is a rich, deep brown, representing the wood element. It stands for responsibility with finances and great stability. This will help you save up a fortune.

Green is also a representative of the wood element. This is the best color to choose when you’re on for a major overhaul in your finances. Green means expanding wealth and new beginnings. It will not only increase your personal income but attract new business opportunities as well.

Other colors attracting the Qi of wealth and abundance are purple, deep blue, red, and gold. Don’t use pale or muddy colors. Use colors that best resonate with you and your personality.

Where You Should Put Your Wallet

Remember to keep your wallet in the same place consistently. It has to be on a spot that is very reachable. Aside from a special spot just for your wallet. It could be the corner of your bedroom or near your vault.

Put your wallet after clearing it out on a daily basis. Don’t just toss it out carelessly upon arriving home. This proves to have no value for money. Putting your wallet in your bag or floor is a big no-no.

Allow your newly organized wallet to be the permanent reminder of your newfound intention. To attract prosperity, wealth, joy, love, and abundance in your life.

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