Unraveling the Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit tarot card when upright is a sign for introspection, soul searching, and inner guidance. The reversed form, on the other hand, indicates withdrawal, isolation, and even loneliness.

This hermit is depicted by an old man who is standing alone on a mountain top. He holds a lantern in one hand, a staff with the other. The mountain is a symbol of success, personal development, and accomplish goals. The Hermit tarot card pertains to the high level of spiritual knowledge a person has attained. He is now ready to share that knowledge with anyone who is eager to learn.

The Hermit is deeply committed to things he still has to achieve and is well aware of the path he has chosen to follow. Found inside the lantern is a six-point star famously known as the Seal of Solomon, which symbolizes great wisdom. His staff on his other hand is a reflection of the power and authority he has attained.

The Hermit Tarot Card Upright Meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit tarot card demonstrates how you are taking a reprieve from your day-to-day life. There is a great need to focus your attention and energy on your inner self in order to find the answers haunting your soul. It has dawned on you that the truth you seek lies within you and not in the confines of your chaotic environment.

When this happens, the mundane interests you no longer, and you are now ready to go on a journey to uncover your soul’s greatest mysteries. You are accompanied by nothing other than your inner light and wisdom. Thus, it is that perfect time to go on that sabbatical you have been planning for ages. Take this time to remember what truly drives you, your deep-seated principles, and what you value in life.

Love and Relationships

It is not possible to love another person truly, madly, and deeply if you are not fully aware of your own needs and wants. You have to be honest in acknowledging all of your own doubts and insecurities for real love to flourish. People cannot expect you to love, care, and feel committed to anything or anyone if you do not feel the same way about yourself. Remember, you can never pour from an empty cup! The Hermit tarot card signals that everybody needs some time away alone to figure out their true self, but this can be a challenging time. Remember that being alone does not mean you are going to be lonely. Focus your energy on deep soul-searching so that you can be led to the right path. The path that will lead you to find true love. However, if you are already in a relationship, encourage your partner to take this journey with you. Try looking at your intimate bond from an outsider’s point of view. Be bold enough to find out what the other person really needs. See how you can thresh out your differences and arrive at compromises that will be beneficial for you and your relationship as a whole.

Career and Finances

The same thing goes for your career and finances. You need to decide on which road to take. Do you have a well-paying job where you are financially secured but leave you empty and unfulfilled? Do you wish for something more? Something that will meet you beyond the material perks and huge monetary compensation for your work? Perhaps you are looking for a higher purpose, something more meaningful. More.. you.

Health and Wellness

The Hermit Upright tarot card is a sign that you may be taking your overall health and wellness for granted. You are too caught up in the daily grind of work, relationships, and other responsibilities that you neglect your right to self-care. This may be a warning that you are pushing yourself too far and is in dire need of a break.

This doesn’t mean that you have to go on a cruise or an elaborate itinerary for a three-week vacation. It just means spending a few minutes a day. It may be taking a walk, meditating, doing yoga, reading a chapter or two of your favorite book. Anything that you can consider ‘me time’. Anything that will tell your body to slow down, breathe in, it’s break time.

The Hermit Tarot Card Reversed Meaning

Upright and Reversed- The Hermit Tarot Card

The reversed Hermit tarot card suggests that you may have been spending too much time on self-reflection and isolation. It is time to go back to the real world. Yes, taking a much-needed break is good for you, but you may not be realizing that you have transformed into a real hermit. No man is an island, at least not for long. Don’t be too full of yourself that you forget other people around you also have needs to be fulfilled.

Beware of your inner thoughts for the unconscious mind is filled with unfathomable images that can lure you inside. You may find yourself stuck in a made-up world, trapped and isolated with no way out. Find the perfect balance, for that, is the only way you can find inner peace.

Love and Relationships

The reversed Hermit tarot may state a period of void and sadness in your relationship. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it is being done intentionally. Rather, something has happened along the way to cause things to naturally deteriorate, thus, pushing you away from each other. Take this time to reflect and see what can be done to bring back that lost connection.

Consequently, those who are still single may find the reversed Hermit as a sign of their fears and frustrations of being left behind. You may feel the time or opportunity has already passed for you to find that one true love. Do not lose hope. Instead, use this time alone to prepare and better yourself and be the ideal partner anyone would wish to have.

Career and Finances

This is the time to get out of your shell, wake up from your hibernation. You should have figured out what you want out of your career, your colleagues or boss, your work environment as a whole. Perhaps you need to find good motivation, those who are capable of inspiring you like seasoned mentors, or a life coach, even.

Explore business opportunities that greatly interest you. Those that will help you build meaningful connections that you might find beneficial in the future. Furthermore, now is the best time to figure out how you can earn and invest your money so your hard work will not go down the drain. Don’t jump the gun unless you are one hundred percent sure of what you are doing. Do some intensive research first, interview people who have been there, done that. Learn from their mistakes without having to create your own.

Health and Wellness

Reversed Hermit tarot may suggest that you need to pay attention to your mental health. Do a self-check if you’re suffering from paranoia or overthinking. Do not take your mental health for granted because it can take you to a downward spiral if not addressed.

Too much of everything is not good. The same goes for self-isolation. If you feel you’re taking too much time alone, then widen your circle and get involved in productive groups or activities. Something stimulating, like volunteering for a charity or joining fundraisers. Something that will benefit others and not just yourself.


The Hermit Tarot Card, when used wisely can be a great weapon for self-care and discovery. You will find hidden strengths and attributes you never knew you possessed. Play your cards right, and be on your way to becoming the best version of yourself.

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