Full Moon In Cancer For All Zodiac Signs In The Year 2022

full moon in cancer

We are gearin’ up for the first full moon of 2022! Which happens to be in the sentimental, heartfelt, water sign Cancer. It arrives on January 17 at 6:48 p.m. EST/ 3:48 p.m. PT.

Like any astrological event, this will affect everyone a bit differently. If you have felt like the start of the new year has been particularly sleepy, you aren’t alone. With Venus retrograde from December 19 to January 29 and Mercury retrograde from January 14 to February 3, we should take this month to slow down.

According to Farmer’s Almanac, having the full moon in Cancer (aka the Wolf Moon) will have you get high in your feelings. Aside from knowing when is the cancer full moon, this article will help you answer the following::

  • Why full moon in cancer 2022 should concern you?
  • Your zodiac sign in cancer full moon: What it means?
  • What the full moon in cancer means
  • The full moon effect on cancer sign

Here is how everyone will be affected by the full moon and all the details on how you can best navigate January 2022’s full moon in Cancer.

What Full Moons Mean

First and foremost, some basic fundamentals on the full moon astrological significance. Since the moon behaves as your emotional compass, reigning over your intuition and sense of security. It amplifies all of those themes when it is luminous and at its most full.

Whether you are encountering ragey drivers, noisy neighbors, or simply finding yourself amid chaos. The full moon energy can spur eccentric behavior. However, the real dilemma here is that full moons turn up the volume on your emotions.

These emotions are the kind that requires addressing and have been neglected. For such reason, full moon drama comes from people projecting or opening up their pent-up pain, stress, or trauma.

It is also a culmination point of regular Astro cycles. Similar to your favorite Netflix binge, you have diverse “plots” happening in your life. And whichsoever story began around the corresponding new moon in the same sign might reach its natural conclusion.

Full moons are intense — especially so if they are hitting your natal chart in a significant way. Nevertheless, they often serve as valuable checkpoints for looking at deeply-felt emotions. And putting the finishing touches on one story before you begin another.

How Full Moon In Cancer Influences the Zodiac Signs

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Full Moon in Cancer makes you mindful of the significance of life and how it is time to take it seriously. If you have been spending or wasting time in an unhealthy way, it is about time for you, Aries, to get a grip on the physical realm.

Life is important, worth living, and precious. Do not dull nor dim your shine beneath a neglected body. Keep moving. Start working on your health and take your vitamins. Give yourself what you deserve: a better life.

This cancer full moon may have you feeling domestic. Having your sign in the fourth house of home, foundations, and family. Focus on self-care, inner child healing, and family bonds under the light of this moon.

Full-moon self-care tip: Honoring your emotions and taking time to practice self-care is the finest way to tap into this full moon in cancer energy. As a brazen and bold fire sign, this may not be second nature to you, Aries. While you are in meditation, visualize the events that changed you over the year. After your session, jot down your family life and home intentions that you want to experience this new year. 

Taurus: April 21 – May 21


You have been so caught up in the routine work that gets you through your day that you have had to push aside the things that make you really happy.

In Cancer Full Moon, you will be able to take a mental rest and kickback from the routine. This will spark your imagination and creativity to new heights. And you are going to want to take your partner along for the ride.

With the full moon lighting your third house of information and communication, your mind might be abuzz right now, Taurus.

A full-moon self-care tip: Your beliefs and value system are what create your reality. If you shift those in alignment with who you are, you can create your desired reality. Daily affirmations are a potent manifestation practice. Take your time under the full moon in Cancer light to identify what your truth is.

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Under this full moon, productivity is the name of the game for you, Gemini. Firing up your second house of security, money, and work. This makes an excellent time for setting up practical daily routines and habits.

In this transit, it looks like you are the recipient of great financial news. This kind of good fortune can put your mind at ease. When you feel stable and secure financially, you feel peaceful and without anxiety.

Since the full moon in Cancer is affecting your house of possessions, material gains, and self-worth. Use this advantage to push through feelings of self-doubt and lean in. You can have whatever you ask for!

A full-moon self-care tip: Money is vital energy. It’s a physical manifestation of self-worth. You must be conscious of how you speak to yourself about money.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Cancer, the first full moon of 2022, happens to be in your sign. Having this in your first house of identity and beginnings, you are catapulted into action around your passion or personal goal. As the moon spotlights your desires and dreams, now is the time to roll with it!

Because this full moon transits in your zodiac sign, you will concentrate on yourself! And if you will look closely, you will see that you need some work.

Since you have been working too hard on nurturing everyone else, do not forget to take care of yourself. It is time to reflect, plan, and act. The one who needs attention right now is you! Cancer, work on yourself first!

A full-moon self-care tip: As a water sign, connecting with your element is key. Tap into the power of a relaxing bath can help you get in touch with your intuition. This is your guidance system moving into the new year and can help you make the best decisions. Incorporate essential oils like jasmine and hyssop to add metaphysical power to your bath. Light jasmine incense, lower the lights and spend time in a meditative state alone.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

leo zodiac sign

Leo, the full moon in cancer is here to calm you down. You are a big show-off and everyone loves you. But, it is tiring living up to the expectations of others.

Although you love showing people a good time, this time, it is time to let go of that responsibility and focus more on the little things.

Not everything needs to become a big production number, and this transit gives you permission to take it down a notch.

This full moon is about letting go, Leo. And that is significantly true for you this time as the moon lights up your 12th house of transitions, healing, and closure.

A full-moon self-care tip: This is the best lunar to practice breathwork and be alone.

Virgo: August 23 – September 23

If there is any zodiac sign who will feel the romance of the cancer full moon, it is you, Virgo! During this time, everything will feel somewhat giddy and secretive. It is as is you have a secret that makes you laugh on your own.

You may have a tendency to fantasize a certain person. Whether or not to take it to the next stage with them, or just sit around and laugh to yourself with the fake scenarios on your mind. It is all up to you!

This full moon lands in your 11th house of technology and teamwork. For you, there is no “I” in “Team”, Virgo, and that could not be more true for you. In this lunation, it is important to surround yourself with those who honor you.

A full-moon self-care tip: This is a great time to take a social media day-off or break. You may have found yourself fatigued from spending so much screen time. Take the day off from the screen life, and socializing to find some time alone to connect with your element, Earth, and nature. 

Libra: September 24 – October 23

You’re at the stage where you recognize that your lifestyle isn’t working for you anymore. No more playing, no more lying in the field. Everything becomes unexciting because of the Full Moon in Cancer. You now start to recognize that you need more than ‘play.’

A natural partner and a real job are what you want in real life. This full moon transit is going to snap you in the head with reality. And you are about ready to begin anew.

As this moon energy powers up your 10th house of goals, recognition, and career — you’re in for a stride! Listen to your higher self and intuition for the next best move.

A full-moon self-care tip: Vision boards are a fantastic opportunity to dream and bring your future goals into reality. As a mystique beauty-minded Venus-ruled sign, ignite your imagination in positive ways. Create a collage of your life path in 2022. Place it in a visible place in your home, and release attachment to the plans. Watch it start to come to life in the new year.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22


As the full moon in cancer works in what it is that you want out of life. It is a time of reflection for you. Although there are no major decisions to be made on this day, you will still feel compelled to think about your choices.

You also might find yourself curious and interested in new topics. These will either make you want to pursue them or not. It is all about contemplation during this transit.

Scorpio, take the time to look at the big picture. As the full moon energy lights up you expansive ninth house. Push beyond your comfort zone. Move forward with your goals and dreams, life is too short not to pursue them.

A full-moon self-care tip: A great way to tap into such beneficial energy in your ninth house is to energize your spiritual practice. Incorporate Crystal energy in your meditation to expedite healing. Celestine is an excellent option. It also promotes connecting with your divine intuition.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

One last little push is all you needed, and here it is, Sagittarius! Cancer in full moon has arrived and it is going to push you out of comfort zone. You have no choice but to be free and run wild.

This full moon in transit will wake you up in the event that you’ve fallen bored. You needed to be prodded, and this transit will get you that spark of inspiration.

Ready to go deep? This full moon energy illuminates your eighth house of intimacy, privacy, and mergers of your closest bonds. Let those bottled-up feelings move through your system rather than stuffing them down.

A full-moon self-care tip: Amplify and boost your personal power by using Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

This full moon in cancer makes you question a lot of things in your life and that is not a bad thing. You have been badly wanting change. You are not pleased with where your life is right now, especially when it comes to your love life or romance.

Wolf moon stirs up your inner lone wolf and lets you see that it is not so bad after all, if that is where you are also headed.

Now that the full moon is in your opposite sign. It highlights your seventh house of business and romantic relationships. It is pushing you to integrate this into how you relate with others. Receiving the nurture that you may have not been receiving is a key theme for you. Also, moving forward is non-negotiable.

A full-moon self-care tip: Plan and schedule a day off. Spend quality time with a love one, close friends, or family. You deserve to have a break. This can help you feel nurtured and allow you to fully tap into the home-oriented sign of Cancer.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 19


To say you have been on edge would be an understatement. The cancer in full moon is here to remind you that you need a breather, Aquarius. Your nerves have been wearing thin and you need to pull away your energy from everyone. This full moon in cancer will give you that much needed break.

Cancer full moon energy is good for you. It will let you focus on things that are not gigantic or overly emotional.

Under this full moon, Aquarius, you might be feeling the healthy New Year’s spirit. This transit boosts up your sixth house of organization and health. Taking this much-needed time can help you release negativity and absorb positivity.

A full-moon self-care tip: Practicing yoga can be a healthy way to connect with your mind and move your body. In order to nurture your soul, wind down a bit from your intense year. Do make sure to consult your doctor before starting a new health routine, though.

Pisces: February 20 – March 20

You gain some and you lose some, under these circumstances, we mean ‘friends.’ The Full Moon in Cancer allows you to see who you need to avoid and cling to.

Your need for close friendships may have ended up giving you too many egos to deal with, and during this transit, you’ll want to trim the herd a bit, so to speak. It’s a good time for you to set priorities, and where friendships are also concerned, it’s much more about quality than quantity.

Passions are flaring for you under the light of this full moon, Pisces, as it lights up your expressive and creative fifth house. If you’ve been bottling anything up, it could come out now.

This full moon energy may signal a new creative endeavor you want to start that has been in the back of your mind. The moon’s positive connection with your third house is encouraging you to move forward with your innovative ideas.

A full-moon self-care tip: Tapping into your inner child can be healing for you under the light of this full moon transit.

The Self-Nurturing Takeaway

No matter what astrological sign a full moon falls in. Every month, they are fertile ground for dramatic outbursts. However, when the transit happens in Cancer, the sign of the moon itself rules. Be ready to get swept up in your feelings. This is only expected because this water sign serves to underline its emotional and intuitive vibes.

The good news is that given the Cancer’s ability to take the initiative, you will know what you need to do. Something the crab cannot help but do — take care of others and nurture oneself. 

The year 2022 for the full moon in cancer has made everyone feel seriously sleepy. This is thanks to not one but two retrogrades happening at the moment. This full moon is a reminder to rest, recharge, and give your inner voice and heart the mic for once.

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