Asteroids in astrology are not unheard of. Yet, it is one of the aspects of the unexplored parts of the art. It may be because of its relatively new entrance in the tradition.
For a newbie, this may be a strange concept. Yes, planets exist along with the stars in the art, But asteroids? What could these flying rocks in the sky hold for our fates?
Read on to find out!
What is the importance of asteroids in astrology?
Everything in the sky (except for artificial satellites, of course) holds meaning in people’s lives. To say that everything has a reason is only an understatement!

This fact is especially true of asteroids. These celestial bodies are relatively new in astrology’s ancient art, partly because of their relatively recent discovery.
Although sightings of it have existed in ancient times, they were unconfirmed until the 19th century. As the sciences refined, more asteroids have been discovered, further emphasizing its urgent need to become part of the astrological tradition.
Today, astrologers see asteroids as something secondary to planets. Not every one of them utilizes asteroids, partly because the energies that an asteroid gives off are not as vital.
However, think about it: there are times when you feel something that isn’t necessarily major yet noticeable. When you boot up your astrological reading for the day, there isn’t any mention of it at all.
It may be the asteroids in your chart manifesting themselves in their quiet, subtle ways. They could be telling you something that you may not be able to notice from all the boisterous and robust energy that the larger planets have. It’s just like the old saying: it’s the old things that matter!
Take note, though, that asteroids in astrology are the “dwarf planets” in astronomy. This name is not a mistake; this distinguishes the celestial bodies from the far more powerful and influential major planets.
Also, the first four asteroids are residents of the asteroid belt, a region between Mars and Saturn that separates the inner planets from their outer counterparts.
What are the Asteroids?

There are currently thousands of asteroids tracked and identified by astrologers and astronomers. However, we will only discuss the five significant asteroids frequently mentioned in astrological readings for our purposes.
The Ancient Romans highly revered Ceres because of her role as the goddess of seasons, agriculture, and fertility. She ensured that the vast empire’s peoples could eat their fill while also strengthening the land’s vitality.
As one of the asteroids in astrology, she is the largest (and oldest) asteroid known to exist. Whenever she appears in charts, Ceres indicates a strong need for a nurturing presence in one’s life.
As the goddess Proserpina’s loving mother, Ceres exudes the aura of motherly care that everyone wants (and deserves). However, ancient myths tell how Pluto kidnapped her daughter, plunging the goddess into unspeakable grief and all the crops in the world to wither and die.
In astrology, this implies how Ceres can influence negative occurrences in a person’s life. Among these are obsession and over-protectiveness and the unfortunate reality of eating disorders and other food-related illnesses.
When Ceres finally accepted Proserpina and Pluto’s eventual relationship and subsequent marriage, she let go of her daughter. They met during the spring and summer, allowing life to bloom on earth.
Ceres is also the asteroid telling us that we need to let go and accept things. When she is on your radar, you can take it as a sign that you will have to come to terms with something you try to avoid so that you, too, can move on and grow.
Pallas is one of the many names that the goddess Athena (Roman: Minerva) took on. She was a goddess of war, with a particular focus on the strategic parts of it. She was also the goddess of intelligence, wisdom, and craftsmanship.
As one of the asteroids in astrology, she was the second discovered and the third-largest known asteroid to exist. Her appearance in charts implies intelligence, cleverness, and a strong sense of intuition.
As the goddess of war, Athena refined her combat skills with nymphs who are on par with her skills. One of them was Pallas, whom she also considered as her sister. Pallas died after suffering a fatal injury during a sparring session with Athena, which prompted the goddess to adapt the nymph’s name to honor her memory.
In the world of astrology, this indicates a sense of willingness to fight not just on the battlefield but also for the advancement of thought and justice. Pallas’ methods usually do not employ hurting others, but more ways to win without necessarily harming others.
When the gods engaged in war with the Titans, Pallas was the chief strategist, directing the troops to victory. She was able to minimize the casualties, at the same time subdue the monsters and ancient deities through her sharp wits and cunning.
Pallas is the asteroid that reminds us that the feminine is not wholly gentle; it is also fierce whenever it needs to. Using the power of logic and rationality will help a person win while also mitigating the damages suffered by all parties.
Juno is the wife of Jupiter and was the goddess of motherhood, marriage, and heaven. In contrast to her husband, a serial cheater, she represented the stability of marital relationships.
As one of the asteroids in astrology, she was the third discovered and ninth-largest. Her appearance in charts depicts commitment and dignity and a strong desire to keep the family unit healthy.
As the goddess of marriage, she protects marital unions’ sanctity and holds all family relationships together. However, when Jupiter engages in his adulterous ways, Juno exacts revenge on women whom her husband seduced.
In the world of astrology, this indicates a strong propensity for jealousy, as well as the instability of marriages. Being increasingly bitter towards spouses, abusive, and tendency to engage in extramarital relationships manifests her unfavorable placement in the cosmos.
Jupiter never got over his adultery, but Juno became the symbol of those who endured and emerged stronger after marriage trials. She never separated from her husband, yet she does her best to help couples grow together in love.
Juno is the asteroid that reminds us that love is imperfect and would always encounter challenges. She may never be able to separate from her husband, but she stands as a beacon of hope for those who suffered because of love that their toxic environments will go away and they can restart their lives for the better.
Vesta is the virgin goddess of hearth and home. She ensures that every abode will always be a welcoming sight and a place for the heart and soul to rest.
As one of the asteroids in astrology, she was the fourth discovered and the second largest. Her appearance in charts indicates assured sexuality, purity of the soul, and lifelong commitment.
As the goddess of the hearth, Vesta symbolizes the eternal flame of Rome that brings people together. Her followers, called the Vestal Virgins, kept their watch over the fire at the capital. When they accidentally put out the fire or engage in sexual acts, they are buried alive.
In the world of astrology, this presents how sex becomes a perverted act when done without sincere intentions. The cruel punishment towards Vesta’s followers also brings to attention the irreversible damage that happens when a person is blinded by their beliefs, to the point of blind faith and fanaticism.
Vesta assures everyone that there is always a place for them in the hearth. Whether a stranger or citizen, anyone can claim protection from her when they go to a town’s central fire or an ordinary fireplace at home.
Vesta is the asteroid that reminds everyone to remain pure in words, thoughts, and deeds and stand for the principles that one believes in. Sacrifice may be necessary, but it is only to protect the sanctity of human connections and the common good.
Chiron is not a goddess but rather a wise centaur who was the beloved teacher of gods and demigods. He may be familiar, as his kind also symbolizes the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius.
As one of the asteroids in astrology, Chiron came into public attention in 1977. Unlike the other asteroids in this list, he is hanging around Saturn and Uranus. He indicates healing, wisdom, and sacrifice.
As the teacher of heroes, he ensured that his students became worthy of their divine heritage. Chiron healed even the most difficult wounds and was very much the opposite of most centaurs’ crazy horse stereotype.
In the world of astrology, Chiron tells us that suffering is inevitable in life. Yet, there is always a way out, and that healing is still an option even if the wounds are too deep and don’t seem to go away anytime soon.
Chiron died when he sacrificed himself in exchange for the freedom of the Titan Prometheus. He was never able to heal his wounds, and in recognition of his selflessness, he became part of both the mortal world as a horse and the heavens as a celestial body.
Chiron is the asteroid that reminds us that we do not have to live with constant pain. Instead, we must take it as a way to draw wisdom, an inspiration to be generous, and above all, a source of hope that better days will come.